Adjectives for Permission

Adjectives For Permission

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing permission, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

In the nuanced English language, the adjective preceding 'permission' profoundly impacts the context and interpretation of what is being permitted. 'Special permission' conveys a sense of exclusivity or exception, often sparking curiosity about what makes it so unique. 'Prior permission' emphasizes the necessity of foresight and approval before taking action, suggesting preparation and respect for protocol. 'Such permission' is more enigmatic, hinting at previously discussed or particular permissions. 'Official permission' lends a layer of formality and authority, while 'written permission' underscores the importance of documentation and tangible proof. 'Specific permission' narrows down the scope, indicating that the approval is not broad but limited to a particular activity or situation. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives associated with 'permission' to fully grasp the versatility and depth of language.
specialHe had secured special permission to visit his parents.
priorThe application requires prior permission from the authorities.
suchI do not have such permission
officialThe official permission was granted by the authorities.
writtenWe need your written permission to proceed with this process.
specificShe requested specific permission to leave the room.
graciousThe team is allowed to play in the tournament with the gracious permission of the league.
necessaryHe was able to obtain the necessary permission to enter the restricted area.
parentalThe student did not receive parental permission for the trip.
fullWith full permission he could access all of the files.
royalThe queen granted royal permission for the marriage.
formalI request formal permission to enter the restricted area.
divineThrough divine permission she was able to perform miracles.
copyrightI am seeking copyright permission for the use of a copyrighted work.
legalThe company obtained legal permission to operate the new business.
previousI had to get previous permission to enter the restricted area.
generousThe company granted us generous permission to use their logo in our advertisement.
expressI need your express permission to use your image.
freeI gave him free permission to use my car.
tacitThe professor gave tacit permission for the students to leave early.
requestCan I request permission to enter the building?
papalThe Catholic Church, with papal permission allowed priests to wear jeans during the pandemic.
properThe request was denied due to lack of proper permission
courteousShe granted us courteous permission to enter the library.
reluctantThe headmaster granted reluctant permission for the students to leave the school at midday.
requisiteThe proper authorities granted the requisite permission for the research team to conduct their study.
verbalI asked for verbal permission before using her image.
mereThe mere permission to attend the meeting did not satisfy the delegate.
imperialThe queen granted imperial permission for the ambassador to stay in the country.
appropriateIt is important to obtain appropriate permission before using someone else's work.
temporaryHe was given temporary permission to borrow the book from the library.
kindWith kind permission we were allowed to use the facility.
governmentalThe construction of the new bridge required governmental permission
legislativeThe school board is seeking legislative permission to increase property taxes.
dueYou may take my car with due permission
impliedJohn asked Mary out and she didn't say no, so he assumed she had given him implied permission to do so.
implicitThe implicit permission was granted to all students in the class.
securedI was able to access the file after I secured permission
patientThe doctor proceeded with the surgery after obtaining patient permission
grudgingI got his grudging permission to go.
readyThe lawyer obtained ready permission from the judge for an extension of time to file a motion.
oralThe teacher gave me oral permission to leave the classroom.
especialThe event required especial permission to attend.
bareThe child asked his mother for bare permission to stay up late.
statutoryThe project was approved with statutory permission from the local government.
congressionalThe President has the power to veto acts of Congress, but this can be overridden with congressional permission
ecclesiasticalFather Michael received ecclesiastical permission to perform the ceremony.
unlimitedThe key unlocked unlimited permission to the secret vault.
writeThe user has write permission to the file.
episcopalThe bishop gave episcopal permission for the ordination ceremony to be held in the cathedral.
remoteThe admin granted remote permission to the user to access the system.
exclusiveThe company has exclusive permission to use the patent.
judicialThe police obtained judicial permission to search the suspect's home.
unconditionalIn the end, I gave them unconditional permission to pursue their dreams.

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