Adjectives for Phases

Adjectives For Phases

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing phases, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the nuances of adjectives paired with the noun 'phases' unveils a rich tapestry of specificity and clarity. Each adjective—be it 'different', 'various', 'early', 'distinct', 'several', or 'certain'—carves out a unique aspect of the phases it describes, offering a more nuanced understanding. Whether it's the 'early phases of a project', highlighting its nascent stages, or the 'distinct phases of the moon', underscoring their uniqueness, the choice of adjective significantly influences perception and communication. Such careful selection elaborates on the type, stage, or nature of phases, enriching our descriptions with greater precision. Dive into the full spectrum of adjectives that bring to life the myriad phases encountered in various contexts below.
differentThe project is in its different phases of completion.
variousThe project was divided into various phases
earlyThe early phases of the project were challenging.
distinctThe project will have distinct phases each with its own objectives and deliverables.
severalThe project was completed in several phases
certainScientists have studied the behavior patterns of lions during certain phases of moon cycles.
solidThe mixture contained solid phases of sand and gravel.
laterIn later phases the project will focus on developing more advanced features.
earlierDuring earlier phases the numbers of new cases and fatalities began to increase.
initialDuring the initial phases of the project, we encountered several unforeseen challenges.
successiveThe successive phases of the project were completed on time and within budget.
liquidThe liquid phases enable rapid mixing of the reactants.
majorThe two major phases of the cell cycle are interphase and the mitotic phase.
mainThe main phases of the project are planning, execution, and evaluation.
stationaryThe stationary phases are typically solid or liquid materials that are coated onto the inner surface of the column.
crystallineThe crystalline phases of the material were identified using X-ray diffraction.
separateThe data was assembled from separate phases of the project.
developmentalAll children go through specific developmental phases as they grow.
subsequentWe followed the protocol through all the subsequent phases initiation, elongation, and termination.
mobileThe mobile phases are typically composed of a polar organic solvent, such as methanol or acetonitrile, and a non-polar organic solvent, such as hexane or heptane.
finalWe are now in the final phases of development.
earliestThe earliest phases of clinical psychosis are critical for treatment and prevention.
acuteThe acute phases of the illness lasted for several weeks.
intermediateThe transition from one phase to another may occur through intermediate phases
previousThe experiments in this phase were based on previous phases
relativeThe relative phases of the stars were used to calculate the distance between them.
condensedThe condensed phases of matter are solids and liquids.
criticalSome critical phases that influence the success of a start-up are generation ideas, business planning, and team building.
organicThe organic phases were mixed and heated until a homogeneous solution was obtained.
metastableMetastable phases are thermodynamically unstable but kinetically stable.
principalThe principal phases of the inflammation development are the release of vasoactive mediators, the increased vasopermeability, and the leukocyte migration.
stableThe experimental evidence for stable phases of balanced evolutionary change is increasing.
amorphousThe glass wool produced in the experiment was found to be composed of two amorphous phases
multipleThe project was conducted in multiple phases over a period of several years.
secondarySecondary phases are often observed in the microstructure of metallic materials.
interestingLife is full of interesting phases
oppositeThe researchers were studying the relationship between will and intentionality in opposite phases of the sleep cycle.
intermetallicIntermetallic phases are a type of metallic compound that forms between two different metals.
crystalThe material has several crystal phases including a low-temperature hexagonal phase, a high-temperature cubic phase, and a metastable tetragonal phase.
lunarThe different lunar phases are caused by the changing position of the moon relative to the sun.
sequentialThe software development process goes through sequential phases
transitionalThe transitional phases between adolescence and adulthood can be challenging.
immiscibleOil and water are immiscible phases meaning they do not mix together.
cubicX-ray diffraction measurements reveal cubic phases with Fm-3c space group.
variedThe project went through a number of varied phases
correspondingThe corresponding phases of the project were completed on time.
consecutiveThis analysis will be executed in consecutive phases
preliminaryThe preliminary phases are conducted efficiently.
terminalAs the project progresses through its terminal phases we need to think about how we're going to wrap things up and close out the project.
discreteThe four distinct components are in discrete phases
subThe project is divided into many sub phases
smecticSmectic phases are a type of liquid crystal that exhibit a layered structure.
lutealLuteal phases last approximately 14 days.
gaseousHydrogen and oxygen are two gaseous phases
chiralThe chiral phases of the compound were determined by HPLC.
ceramicThe ceramic phases were characterized by XRD.
latestThe latest phases of clinical trials are often the most expensive.
slowThe slow phases of the Slinky slowly descended down the stairs.
advancedIn advanced phases of the disease, it may be necessary to provide additional support.
lamellarThe lamellar phases are a class of liquid crystal phases that have a layered structure.

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