Adjectives for Platinum

Adjectives For Platinum

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing platinum, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe platinum can significantly alter the perception of this valuable material, adding layers of meaning and intrigue. For example, describing it as spongy highlights its malleability in certain forms, whereas pure emphasizes its high quality and rarity. Using metallic points to its elemental nature, native suggests its uncombined form in nature, and iridio references its often-found alloy with iridium, enhancing its durability. Moreover, juxtaposing platinum with gold evokes comparisons between two of the most valued elements on Earth. Dive into the full spectrum of adjectives linked to platinum below, each painting a unique picture of this illustrious metal.
spongyThe spongy platinum material was surprisingly durable.
pureThe ring is made of pure platinum
metallicThe metallic platinum was added to the mixture to enhance its conductivity.
nativeNative platinum is a naturally occurring metallic form of the element platinum.
iridioIridio platinum is a rare and valuable metal alloy that is used in jewelry, dentistry, and other applications.
goldShe was awarded a gold platinum record for her hit song.
hotThe hot platinum was used to form a bond with the oxygen molecule.
crudeThe miners discovered a rich vein of crude platinum
platinizedThe platinized platinum was used in a catalytic converter.
doubleThe album was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America.
smoothThe smooth platinum band gleamed in the sunlight.
multiThe album went multi platinum in just a few weeks.
thinThe thin platinum wire was barely visible in the dim light.
brightThe bright platinum shimmered in the sunlight.
rhodiumRhodium platinum is a premium material used primarily by watch manufacturers.
tripleThe album sold over one million copies, making it triple platinum
fineThe necklace was made of fine platinum and diamonds.
colloidalThe colloidal platinum was used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation reaction.
solidShe wore a beautiful necklace made of solid platinum
nonI am looking for a non platinum ring.
blackThe watch's black platinum case exudes both elegance and sophistication.
cleanThe clean platinum sparkled in the sunlight.
silverThe jewelry store displayed a silver platinum necklace in its window.
expensiveThe expensive platinum necklace was a stunning piece of jewelry.
commercialI'm looking for a commercial platinum loan.
platinisedThe platinised platinum disk serves as a counter electrode.
porousPorous platinum is a highly sought-after material for use in electrochemical devices.
malleableThe malleable platinum was shaped into beautiful jewelry.
residualResidual platinum in the system was found to be 0.001%.
andHer high-top sneakers gleamed with gold and platinum
precipitateThe precipitate platinum was collected and weighed.
powderedThe powdered platinum catalyst was then added to the reaction mixture.
heatedThe heated platinum glowed brightly.
ordinaryThe ordinary platinum is a metal that is found in the Earth's crust.
zincZinc platinum is a rare and valuable metal.
coatedA coated platinum electrode was used for electrochemical measurements.
russianThe Russian platinum market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.
purestThe purest platinum is extracted in a complicated process.
thickThe thick platinum necklace was a sign of her wealth and status.
leadLead platinum is a heavy metal that is used in a variety of applications.
nickelThe nickel platinum resistance thermometer is a temperature-sensing device used for measuring temperatures in various industrial and scientific applications.
scrapThe scrap platinum was worth a small fortune.
softThe moonlight shimmered like soft platinum on the tranquil lake's surface.
residuaryThe catalyst is selectively enriched in residuary platinum
preciousThe precious platinum was carefully crafted into an exquisite necklace.
enoughI have enough platinum for a new necklace and earrings
excessThe excess platinum was removed from the solution.
bivalentBivalent platinum is a versatile reagent that can form complexes with various ligands.
quadrivalentI'm studying the toxicity of quadrivalent platinum on cancer cells.
nobleThe noble platinum gracefully adorned the crown of the ancient queen.
cobaltCobalt platinum is a hard, silver-white metal that is used in jewelry and other applications.
tetravalentTetravalent platinum is a relatively rare form of platinum.
ultrafilterableUltrafilterable platinum is used as a catalyst in many chemical reactions.
liquidThe molten metal flowed like liquid platinum casting an ethereal glow upon the forge.
preparedThe lab technician prepared platinum for the experiment.
impureThe impure platinum was unsuitable for making jewelry.
quadrupleThe album went quadruple platinum
refinedThe refined platinum was used to create the exquisite jewelry.
alluvialAlluvial platinum is found in the gravel deposits of rivers and streams.
potassiumPotassium platinum a rare and precious metal, is used in various applications.
calledThe band's latest album was called platinum

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