Adjectives for Prediction

Adjectives For Prediction

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing prediction, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to accompany 'prediction' can significantly alter its impact and meaning. An 'accurate prediction' speaks to the precision and reliability of a forecast, instilling confidence. Conversely, a 'theoretical prediction' introduces an element of speculation, rooted in theory rather than absolute certainty. 'Linear' and 'numerical' predictions highlight the methodological nature, focusing respectively on straightforward trends and quantitative analyses. A 'correct prediction' reinforces the idea of verification and truth, while a 'successful prediction' emphasizes the outcome's positive alignment with expectations. Each adjective shades the noun with subtle nuances, inviting readers into a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that can enrich your understanding of 'prediction' below.
accurate"Patient vital signs show an accurate prediction of sepsis."
theoreticalThe theoretical prediction was consistent with the experimental data.
linearLinear prediction is a statistical method used to estimate the value of a variable based on the values of other variables.
correctThe correct prediction of the stock market can help investors make informed decisions.
numericalThe numerical prediction was accurate.
successfulThe successful prediction of the outcome was based on years of data collection.
statisticalThe statistical prediction was based on a complex algorithm.
bestThe best prediction is that the weather will be clear.
betterThe machine learning model made a better prediction after it was retrained with the new data.
termWe improved the accuracy of the term prediction model by using the BERT embedding.
secondThe second prediction was more accurate than the first.
clinicalThe study will develop a clinical prediction model for predicting the onset time of delirium in hospitalized elderly.
reliableThe meteorologist's reliable prediction allowed us to prepare for the storm.
scientificThe scientific prediction was based on years of research and data collection.
quantitativeThe quantitative prediction of the stock market was accurate.
preciseAnalysis from precise prediction techniques revealed that 2.2 million people could be at risk of the disease.
specificThe specific prediction for the future is difficult to make.
secondaryThe secondary prediction has a 95% chance of rain tomorrow.
reasonableWe can make a reasonable prediction about the outcome of the game.
confidentI have made a confident prediction based on the available data.
exactThe scientists were able to make an exact prediction of the eclipse.
direThe dire prediction of an impending economic crisis cast a pall over the stock market.
safeBased on current trends, it's a safe prediction that the economy will continue to grow.
perfectThe meteorologist's perfect prediction of the incoming storm saved countless lives.
simpleThe population of the world will increase by about 20% in the next ten years, which is a simple prediction
thirdThe third prediction was surprisingly accurate.
clearThe weather forecast for tomorrow is a clear prediction of clear skies and sunshine.
differentialThe differential prediction algorithm takes into account the differences between the training and testing data.
finalI made my final prediction for tomorrow's game.
basedThe forecast is a based prediction on historical data.
remarkableThe astrologer made a remarkable prediction that astonished the king.
possibleThe possible prediction is a promising indicator for the future.
optimisticThe optimistic prediction is that the economy will improve in the next quarter.
gloomyThe meteorologist's gloomy prediction was met with skepticism.
rangeThe range prediction expert system combines statistics with combat experience to achieve the highest possible level of accuracy
empiricalThe empirical prediction of the stock market is a difficult task.
definiteThe outcome of this election is a definite prediction
actuarialThe actuary utilized their modeling platform to calculate the actuarial prediction
astrologicalMy astrological prediction for the day is that I should stay home and watch TV.
earlierThe earlier prediction was accurate.
incorrectThe weather forecast made an incorrect prediction and it rained heavily instead of the predicted sunshine.
falseThe weather forecast predicted rain, but it turned out to be a false prediction
interestingThe future looks bright, and the data proves it. The interesting prediction is that the world will continue to get better.
futureDespite the obstacles, the future prediction indicates a promising outcome.
detailedThe detailed prediction revealed a 90% chance of rain tomorrow.
spatialThe spatial prediction model helped us to identify the most promising areas for exploration.
qualitativeThe qualitative prediction was that the treatment would be effective in reducing symptoms.
latterThe latter prediction was not particularly accurate.
followingThe following prediction suggests that the stock market will continue to rise.
adaptiveThe adaptive prediction model effectively anticipated future events based on historical patterns.
aboveThe sales were above prediction
analyticalThe analytical prediction for the upcoming sales quarter is a 10% increase in revenue.
overallThe overall prediction was that the patient would recover quickly.
testableThe testable prediction is that the new drug will reduce patient pain by 50%.
optimalWe use logistic regression to make optimal prediction
boldThere is a bold prediction that the economy will grow by 5% next year.
famousThe famous prediction of Nostradamus has come true.
rationalThe rational prediction of the outcome was based on the evidence presented.
realisticThe realistic prediction for the project is that it will be completed by the end of the month.
pessimisticShe had a pessimistic prediction about the future.
validThe valid prediction helped us avoid a major crisis.
probabilisticThe probabilistic prediction for the weather tomorrow is 70% chance of rain.
oppositeThe test results showed the opposite prediction of what the scientists had expected.
mathematicalDetermining the number of stars in a cluster requires a mathematical prediction
prioriThe hypothesis was generated by a priori prediction
propheticThe ancient oracle's prophetic prediction forewarned of an impending cataclysm.

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