Adjectives for Premium

Adjectives For Premium

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing premium, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Understanding the nuances of adjectives when paired with the noun 'premium' can greatly influence the perception and effectiveness of your communication. Describing a premium as 'high' or 'higher' brings a sense of elevated quality or increased cost, appealing to a sense of luxury or investment. Conversely, the term 'annual' highlights a periodic expense or value, offering a timeframe for consideration. 'Net premium' introduces specificity in financial discussions, focusing on pure insurance costs without additional fees. The word 'additional' signals extra features or costs, whereas 'single' could denote exclusivity or a one-time payment. Each adjective shades the concept of premium with subtle implications, tailoring the message for diverse contexts and audiences. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives to precisely convey the facets of premium offerings.
highThe insurance company charges a high premium for drivers with a history of accidents.
annualThe annual premium for the insurance policy is $1,200.
higherThe health insurance plan with a higher premium provides more benefits.
netThe net premium on the life insurance policy was $1,000 per year.
additionalThe additional premium for the rider is $10 per month.
singleThe single premium for the policy is $10,000.
smallHe opted for a small premium to ensure full coverage.
monthlyThe monthly premium for the insurance policy is $100.
extraYou can buy the extra premium membership from the official site
averageThe average premium for health insurance in the US has increased by 22% in the past five years.
forwardThe forward premium is the difference between the forward exchange rate and the spot exchange rate.
totalThe total premium for the policy is $1,000.
lowerThe insurance company offered a lower premium for safe drivers.
greaterThe insurance company is offering a greater premium for high-risk drivers.
grossThe gross premium for the insurance policy is $1,000.
specialThe special premium was offered only to members.
highestThe highest premium option provides the most comprehensive coverage.
entireThe entire premium must be paid within 30 days of the policy's issuance.
heavyThe company charged a heavy premium for the insurance policy.
initialThe initial premium for the insurance policy was $1,000.
lowThe insurance company offers a low premium for drivers with a clean driving record.
fullThe policy costs a full premium of $1000 per year.
pureThe pure premium rate is the cost of insurance coverage before any loading is added.
slightThe product is available at a slight premium compared to its competitors.
blackThe coffee shop offered a black premium roast that was smooth and rich.
considerableThe house with an attached garage carries a considerable premium over its neighbor.
unearnedThe decline in the unearned premium is a result of the strict monitoring of the insurance contracts.
minimumThe minimum premium for this policy is $100.
significantThis product comes with a significant premium
yearlyThe yearly premium of the insurance policy is around $1000.
fixedThe policy in question has a fixed premium
positiveThe positive premium on the stock was a reflection of the company's strong earnings.
fairThe insurance company offered a fair premium for the policy.
worthThe worth premium is an additional fee charged to policyholders who are considered to be at a higher risk for filing a claim.
amortizableThe amortizable premium on the bond is calculated by dividing the difference between the issue price and the face amount by the bond's life.
unamortizedThe unamortized premium on the convertible bonds is $1 million.
riskInvestors demand a risk premium when investing in risky assets.
appropriateThe policyholder pays an appropriate premium to the insurance company
maximumThe maximum premium for the policy is $1,000.
yearTo start your coverage, you must pay the first year premium today.
enormousThe insurance company demanded an enormous premium for the high-risk driver.
reasonableThe price of the insurance policy has a reasonable premium
expectedThe expected premium for the insurance policy is $1,000.
lessThe new plan offers less premium but with the same benefits.
handsomeThe handsome premium is the difference between the hypothetical price of a life insurance policy for a healthy person and the actual price of a life insurance policy for a person who is overweight or has other health risks.
weeklyThe insurance company is requiring the insured to pay a weekly premium of $100.
modestThe insurance policy offers a modest premium with a wide range of coverage options.
smallerI prefer to pay a smaller premium on my car insurance.
hugeThe rare coin sold for a huge premium above its face value.
moderateThis insurance package has a moderate premium that fits most budgets.
lowestThe lowest premium policy may not provide enough coverage.
heftyThe insurance policy came with a hefty premium
parallelThe parallel premium for this bond is 0.25%.
excessThe insurance policy provided excess premium as a rebate for safe driving.
variableThe insurance policy I purchased has a variable premium which means the cost of my coverage can change over time.
tremendousThe new product was launched with a tremendous premium
flatThe level of coverage provided by the policy remains the same throughout the policy period, regardless of the policyholder's age or health status, resulting in a flat premium
nominalThe nominal premium for the policy is $1,000.
addedThe total annual cost includes the base premium added premium and any applicable taxes and fees.
rateThe rate premium is calculated based on the risk factors associated with the insured event.
unpaidDue to the unpaid premium the insurance policy was canceled.
reducedMy insurance company offered me a reduced premium because of my good driving record.
frontThe front premium on the policy he bought was quite affordable.

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