Adjectives for Prescription

Adjectives For Prescription

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing prescription, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to pair with the noun 'prescription' can significantly alter the nuance of your message. A 'new prescription' suggests a recent update in a treatment plan, fostering a sense of renewal or change. A 'medical prescription,' while seemingly redundant, emphasizes the clinical and health-focused nature of the document. Opting for 'simple' highlights the user-friendly aspect of a treatment, whereas 'general' might denote something less specialized. The term 'legal prescription' introduces an entirely different context, referring to permissions or directives within legal frameworks. Lastly, describing a prescription as the 'best' introduces a qualitative judgment, implying effectiveness or superiority. Explore the full spectrum to capture the precise tone and implication you intend.
newThe doctor gave me a new prescription for my glasses.
medicalI need to pick up my medical prescription from the pharmacy.
simpleThe doctor gave me a simple prescription for my cold.
generalI'll send you a general prescription for the antibiotics.
legalThe legal prescription is a document that must be signed by a doctor so that the patient can purchase the prescribed medication.
bestThe doctor gave her the best prescription for her condition.
originalThe doctor gave me an original prescription for my cough.
singleThe single prescription seemed the best way out.
usualThe doctor gave me my usual prescription of antibiotics.
specificDr. Smith prescribed a specific prescription for her patient's chronic pain.
standardThe doctor prescribed a standard prescription for the patient's cold.
moralHis moral prescription was to always do the right thing.
acquisitiveThe acquisitive prescription allowed the neighbors to acquire ownership of the land after many years of using it.
detailedThe doctor provided a detailed prescription for the patient's condition.
aboveThe pharmacist filled the above prescription
dietaryA dietary prescription can help manage certain health conditions.
universalThe universal prescription for a happy life is to live in the present moment.
appropriateI discussed the appropriate prescription to take with my doctor.
initialThe doctor provided an initial prescription for the patient.
properThe doctor gave the patient a proper prescription for their ailment.
rightI gave him the right prescription so he will be fine.
normativeThe normative prescription spells out the correct approach to the issue.
favoriteMy favorite prescription is to exercise regularly.
ancientI stumbled upon an ancient prescription whilst clearing out the attic.
culturalThe cultural prescription of the community is to treat the elderly with respect and honor.
finalThe final prescription was written and the patient was sent home.
correctThe doctor prescribed the correct prescription for my eye infection.
divineThe divine prescription for happiness is to live in the present moment and to appreciate the simple things in life.
extinctiveExtinctive prescription is a legal concept which refers to the extinguishing of a right as a result of the holder failing to exercise such right for a continuous period of time.
clearThe doctor gave the patient a clear prescription for their medication.
traditionalThe traditional prescription for treating a cold is to drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest.
exerciseThe physical therapist provided an exercise prescription that included flexibility and strengthening exercises.
wrongThe patient suffered adverse effects from the wrong prescription
constitutionalThe judge ruled that the law was unconstitutional and violated the constitutional prescription of equal protection.
rigidThe doctor's rigid prescription for the patient's recovery was adhered to strictly.
effectiveThe doctor prescribed an effective prescription for the patient's condition.
perfectThe doctor gave me the perfect prescription for my condition.
usefulThe doctor gave me a useful prescription for my illness.
exactThe doctor wrote me an exact prescription for the medication I needed.
typicalAnyone who needs a typical prescription can call the pharmacy.
sureHaving a sure prescription for life is a great way to live.
immemorialThanks to immemorial prescription the original documentation is not required when propounding title to property.
formalThe doctor wrote a formal prescription for the patient.
statutoryThe statutory prescription period for medical negligence claims is three years.
routinePlease ask your doctor if short-acting inhalers as a routine prescription would be helpful for you.
validThe doctor provided a valid prescription for the controlled medication.
keynesianThe Keynesian prescription for economic recovery is to increase government spending.
mereThe doctor gave me a mere prescription for my cold.
preciseThe doctor gave him a precise prescription for his illness.
definiteThe doctor gave the patient a definite prescription for antibiotics.
legislativeThe legislative prescription was passed with a bipartisan majority.
educationalThe educational prescription is a plan for individualized instruction that is designed to meet the unique needs of a student.
methodologicalThe methodological prescription for this study was based on a grounded theory approach.
idealThe ideal prescription for this patient is a combination of medication and physical therapy.
therapeuticThis therapeutic prescription is an important part of the treatment plan.
individualizedIndividualized prescription for patients with diabetes is necessary.
classicalThe doctor wrote a classical prescription for the patient.
excellentThe doctor provided an excellent prescription for my ailment.
ethicalThe ethical prescription for us is to care for the needy.
liberalThe liberal prescription for economic growth is a Keynesian approach that emphasizes government spending and deficit spending.
authoritativeThe authoritative prescription recommended strict adherence to the protocol.
overThe doctor was concerned about the over prescription of antibiotics.

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