Adjectives for Priority

Adjectives For Priority

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing priority, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Understanding the nuances of using adjectives with the noun 'priority' can significantly alter the perception of importance or urgency. Describing something as a 'high priority' emphasizes its critical nature, necessitating immediate attention, whereas 'low priority' suggests it can wait. Utilizing 'first' or 'top' before priority underscores an item's paramount position on a list, indicating that it should precede all others. Conversely, 'higher' and 'highest' are used to denote a comparative level of importance among multiple items, suggesting a ranking system. Each adjective paints a different shade of urgency and significance, affecting decision-making processes. Discover more about how these adjectives define the landscape of prioritization in our complete list below.
highThis task has been assigned a high priority
firstOur first priority is to create a team of experts.
topCompleting the project is our top priority
highestThe task with the highest priority should be completed first.
higherThe task with higher priority should be completed first.
lowThis task is of low priority
lowerThe task was given a lower priority
absoluteThe board of directors granted absolute priority to the payment of dividends.
nationalThe national priority is to improve the lives of all citizens.
secondThe task of assigning priorities was of second priority
greaterThe project with greater priority should be completed first.
majorClimate change is a major priority for the government.
lowestThis task has the lowest priority
relativeThe colors on the color wheel are ordered in relative priority with primary colors being the most important and secondary colors being less important.
mainMy main priority is to make sure my family is safe and happy.
logicalThe logical priority of this task is high.
urgentThis matter requires urgent priority
temporalThe temporal priority of the dispute is determined by the date of the first filing.
immediateThe report is of immediate priority and must be completed by the end of the day.
equalBoth issues were given equal priority by the board.
ontologicalOntological priority refers to the relationship between two entities, wherein one entity is considered to have a more fundamental or primary existence than the other.
clearMaintenance of aging infrastructure should be a clear priority for city planners.
overridingThe overriding priority is to ensure the safety of all involved.
strategicDigitalization has become a strategic priority for many organizations.
utmostThe utmost priority is to ensure the safety of all citizens.
lesserResponding to this request should be given lesser priority
epistemologicalEpistemological priority refers to the precedence of one knowledge source over another in determining the validity of beliefs.
chronologicalThe chronological priority of the documents should be maintained.
topmostHe stated that giving a prompt response was his topmost priority
foremostMaking sure everyone is safe is my foremost priority
legislativeLegislators need to make this a legislative priority
overwhelmingProviding for one's family was an overwhelming priority for her.
lexicalIn natural language processing, lexical priority is the process of determining the relative importance of words in a sentence.
conceptualConceptual priority refers to the idea that some theoretical concepts take precedence over others.
strictPassengers with disabilities and passengers traveling with them have strict priority in boarding.
epistemicEpistemic priority refers to the idea that certain types of knowledge or beliefs have priority over others in terms of their justification and reliability.

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