Adjectives for Proc

Adjectives For Proc

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing proc, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to pair with the noun 'proc' can significantly affect the meaning conveyed in a sentence. For instance, 'amendment proc' suggests modifications or changes, often in a legal or formal context. The 'main proc' implies a primary or central procedure, emphasizing its importance over others. With 'human proc,' the focus shifts to processes involving or affecting humans, introducing a personal or ethical dimension. Meanwhile, 'dirac proc' refers to a specific, likely scientific or mathematical procedure, named after the physicist Paul Dirac. The use of 'annual' and 'global' highlight frequency and scale, respectively, providing insights into the timing or impact of the proc. Explore the rich nuances each adjective brings to 'proc' in our full list below.
amendmentThe amendment process can be divided into two parts.
mainThe main proc is responsible for handling the core functionality of the program.
humanThe human process of learning is complex and multifaceted.
diracThe dirac proc is a complex and powerful tool that can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks.
annualHe worked through the annual process of filing his taxes.
opticalThe optical proc enables precise and rapid cutting of a variety of materials.
4thPlease extend support, monthly update, and 4th proc 12112022
history"history proc" is a command in Unix systems that displays the history of commands.
mentalThe mental processes include perception, memory, thinking, and language.
matWe mat proc in class with food.
finalThe final proc will be initiated after the completion of the current one.
6thThe 6th proc in the database was audited.
secHe immediately initiated the sec proc to keep the archives safe.
currentCurrent proc is an imperative, statically-typed programming language in the Algol family.
5thThe 5th proc is now in progress.
concreteShe walked along the road until it eventually turned from rough dirt to smooth concrete proc
naturalResearchers studied the natural processes that occur in ecosystems and found that they are essential for the health and balance of the planet.
sensoryDeveloping sensory proc system technologies.
coronoidThe coronoid proc binds to the mandibular L6 myosin heavy chain isoform.
geneticThe genetic process of an organism is responsible for its traits.
24thI do not know what you mean by "24th proc". Can you please provide more context?
cellIncreased cell proc may indicate inadequate o2 delivery or impaired cellular o2 utilization.
dueThe court ruled that the defendant's due process rights had been violated.
dynamicThe dynamic proc was a success.
solidHe was a solid proc and a good partner.
normalThe normal proc is part of the brain that is responsible for processing information.
bacterialBacterial proc of collagen is a well-known complication of prosthetic joint infections.
solubleThe soluble proc was removed from the solution.
styloidThe styloid proc is a slender, pointed projection of the temporal bone.
spinousThe spinous proc is a bony projection that extends from the posterior surface of each vertebra.
clinoidThe clinoid proc is an bony protrusion of the anterior clinoid process.
14thHe had been with the 14th proc for over a year.
13thThe 13th proc is a special process that runs on the system.
16thI have a 16th proc computer.
boundFor bound proc the gases do not have sufficient time to attain equilibrium during a cycle.
zygomatic"Your zygomatic process is fractured in multiple places and will need to be repaired in surgery."
12thI have completed my 12th proc from reputed school.
hydroxyvitaminHydroxyvitamin procollagen is a type of procollagen that has been hydroxylated in its proline and lysine residues.
preThis is a sentence written with pre proc
complexThe complex proc is a difficult task.
articularThe articular processes interdigitate with those of adjacent vertebrae, forming the synovial joints called facet joints.
continuousThe continuous proc program is a new type of programming language.
applicThe applic proc was rejected due to insufficient evidence.
constantHe was a constant proc at the local bar.
mamMam proc se zavedou metastaty do mozku, plic, ledvin, podzilni jamky a retroperitonea.
biologicalThe biological processes within the body require a constant supply of energy.
civThe civ proc course was very helpful in understanding the basics of civil procedure.
procedureI followed the procedure proc to complete the task.
electricThe electric proc was malfunctioning when we tried to charge it.
20thGates then went to present the 20th processor to Dr. Strangelove.
ribonucleaseRibonuclease proc a highly conserved enzyme that cleaves RNA, is often used as a model system for studying protein folding and stability.
dependentThe dependent proc ensures that the process doesn't outlive its parent.
dihydroxyvitaminDihydroxyvitamin proc is a type of vitamin D that is produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight.
coldThe cold proc took a long time to prepare.
15thHe has been a 15th proc at the University of Washington for 15 years.
atomicI think I'm going to use atomic proc syntax.
voidThe void proc function does not return any value.
10thI'm in the 10th proc of doing this.
chronicSome people suffer from chronic proc which weakens their immune system.
neurokininNeurokinin proc is a neuropeptide that is involved in the transmission of pain signals.
parallelParallel proc could mean a number of things. Please be more specific.
linearThe linear proc was a large, heavy, and complex machine.

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