Adjectives for Pulling

Adjectives For Pulling

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing pulling, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The act of pulling can convey a multitude of nuances, deeply influenced by the adjectives it pairs with. Hair pulling brings to mind an image of frustration or anxiety, whereas copy pulling suggests a process of duplication or reproduction. The phrase wire pulling might evoke thoughts of electrical work or, more metaphorically, manipulation behind the scenes. Mention of crystal pulling can transport the mind to the precise world of scientific experiments. Conversely, hard pulling evokes the effort and strain in physical challenges. The curious case of tic pulling could delve into involuntary movements or specific behaviors. Each adjective unlocks a new shade of meaning, enhancing our understanding of 'pulling.' Explore the full spectrum of adjectives linked to this action below.
hairThe hair pulling was so painful that she had to scream.
copyThis 'pull rate' is the most important measure of the effectiveness of your copy pulling
wireThe wire pulling in the attic was a nightmare.
crystalThe crystal pulling technique allows for the growth of large, single crystals of materials.
hardThe horse was hard pulling after the race.
ticThe man had a tic pulling his hair out.
ganderGander pulling is a brutal blood sport where live geese are tied to the ground and have their heads pulled off.
longDespite the long pulling and tugging, the stubborn horse refused to budge.

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