Adjectives for Pursuit

Adjectives For Pursuit

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing pursuit, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The word 'pursuit' carries with it a sense of action and intent, and when paired with the right adjective, its meaning deepens, inviting nuances that color perception and emotional impact. A 'hot pursuit' evokes a sense of urgency and intensity, while a 'relentless pursuit' suggests an unwavering determination. Venturing into a 'further pursuit' implies exploration beyond current boundaries, and an 'active pursuit' highlights the ongoing nature of the endeavor. For the thinkers among us, an 'intellectual pursuit' opens up realms of thought and philosophy. When the gap narrows, a 'close pursuit' intensifies the chase. Each adjective shapes the concept of pursuit, sculpting its contours in our imagination. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that bring pursuit to life, each with its own unique sentence illustrating its essence.
hotThe police were in hot pursuit of the fleeing suspect.
relentlessThe relentless pursuit of perfection drove him to exhaustion.
furtherI decided to abandon my further pursuit in my studies.
activeThe students were in active pursuit of knowledge.
intellectualHer intellectual pursuit of knowledge led her to become an accomplished scholar.
closeThe police were in close pursuit of the fleeing suspect.
smoothThe smooth pursuit system allows us to track moving objects with our eyes.
successfulHis successful pursuit of the truth has earned him respect.
vigorousThe team's vigorous pursuit of excellence led to an impressive championship win.
eagerHer eager pursuit of knowledge led her to explore countless libraries.
favouriteReading was his favourite pursuit
mindedHis single-minded pursuit of knowledge led him to become an expert in the field.
fullThe police gave full pursuit to the escaping criminals.
vainThe pursuit of perfection is often a vain pursuit
immediateThe police gave immediate pursuit to the fleeing suspect.
rationalThe rational pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong endeavor.
seriousThe scholar's serious pursuit was to study ancient Sumerian texts.
scientificHer scientific pursuit made her a dedicated researcher who spent endless hours in the lab.
constantIn the constant pursuit of knowledge, we never stop learning.
madThe mad pursuit for gold has driven many men to their doom.
aggressiveThe aggressive pursuit of wealth often leads to ethical compromises.
academicHer academic pursuit of knowledge and truth led her to explore various disciplines.
favoriteMy favorite pursuit is birdwatching, and I do it every weekend.
effectiveThe effective pursuit of goals requires dedication and perseverance.
endlessHis endless pursuit of wealth ultimately consumed his life.
continuedThe continued pursuit of education is a lifelong endeavor.
steadyThe team's steady pursuit of excellence led to a record-breaking season.
rapidThe police began their rapid pursuit
disinterestedThe disinterested pursuit of knowledge is a noble endeavor.
consciousConscious pursuit of knowledge and excellence is the key to success.
ardentHer ardent pursuit of knowledge led her to become a renowned scholar.
passionateHer passionate pursuit of justice led her to become a renowned lawyer.
doggedThe dogged pursuit of success can sometimes lead to burnout.
swiftThe Police's swift pursuit brought the robbers to justice.
lifelongHis lifelong pursuit of knowledge led him to many exciting adventures.
earnestThe earnest pursuit of knowledge led her to travel the globe.
energeticHis energetic pursuit of knowledge led him to travel the world.
selfishThe selfish pursuit of personal gain often leads to the detriment of others.
systematic"Driven by a systematic pursuit of knowledge, he relentlessly explored the enigmatic world of quantum physics."
ruthlessThe ruthless pursuit of wealth and fame consumed him, leaving him hollow and alone.
peacefulThe peaceful pursuit of happiness is a fundamental right.
nobleAstronomy is a noble pursuit that has captivated humankind for centuries.
spiritualThe man embarked on his spiritual pursuit in the hopes to find his inner peace.
chiefHis chief pursuit was the construction of bridges.
persistentWith persistent pursuit he achieved his lifelong dream.
scholarlyThe notion that the sciences are the only proper subjects for scholarly pursuit is relatively new and modern.
mereThe mere pursuit of money will never bring true happiness.
blindTheir blind pursuit of the rare beetle led them into the dangerous jungle.
exclusiveThe exclusive pursuit of financial gain has led to inequality and social unrest.
futileSeeking eternal life through alchemy was a futile pursuit
fruitlessTheir fruitless pursuit of wealth and fame left them empty and unfulfilled.
simultaneousThe team's simultaneous pursuit of multiple projects led to a significant increase in productivity.
trivialIt was a tough game of Trivial pursuit but I managed to win.
wildThe reckless and wild pursuit came to an abrupt end when the police sirens blared.
literaryHis literary pursuit was a lifelong passion that consumed his every waking moment.
legitimateThe police were engaged in a legitimate pursuit of the suspect.
deliberateThe deliberate pursuit of excellence led to remarkable achievements.
zealousThe zealous pursuit of knowledge will lead to a life of fulfillment.
freshThe police were in fresh pursuit of the suspect.
obsessiveHis obsessive pursuit of perfection drove him to the brink of madness.
franticThe frantic pursuit of the elusive creature kept the researchers on the edge of their seats.
visualThe visual pursuit system is responsible for tracking moving objects with the eyes.
recklessThe reckless pursuit of wealth and power led to his downfall.
fascinatingMycology, the study of fungi, is a fascinating pursuit
diligentThe diligent pursuit of knowledge can lead to great rewards.
solitaryI spent most of my teenage years engrossed in the solitary pursuit of reading.
agriculturalTending to the crops was my primary agricultural pursuit
continuousHe achieved his goal with continuous pursuit
worthyLifelong learning is a worthy pursuit that can bring great rewards.
continualThe athlete's continual pursuit of improvement drove her to train relentlessly.
headlongThe scientist embarked on a headlong pursuit of knowledge.

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