Adjectives for Reasoning

Adjectives For Reasoning

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing reasoning, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe reasoning can profoundly influence the perception of the argument being made. Moral reasoning conveys a sense of ethical consideration, while deductive and inductive reasoning highlight the logical structure of the argument. Utilizing same or such reasoning can either demonstrate agreement with a previously stated idea or emphasize a point with clarity. The careful selection of adjectives not only nuances the type of reasoning discussed but also enhances the persuasive power of the discourse. Explore the full list of adjectives to discover more ways to refine and specify the nature of reasoning.
moralHer coworkers questioned the moral reasoning behind her business tactics.
sameI failed this time, but I will continue to try using the same reasoning
suchHis logic is flawed, and I cannot accept such reasoning
deductiveThe detective used deductive reasoning to solve the puzzling crime.
inductiveThe scientist inferred the existence of gravitational waves through inductive reasoning
logicalLogical reasoning is a vital tool for understanding the world around us.
practicalPractical reasoning involves using logic and evidence to reach a conclusion.
abstractThe abstract reasoning of the philosopher was beyond my understanding.
similarWe can conclude that, by similar reasoning all the remaining triangles are isosceles.
legalHer legal reasoning was rigorous and persuasive.
analogicalAnalogical reasoning is the ability to recognize similarities and differences between things and use those similarities and differences to solve problems.
humanHuman reasoning is a complex process that involves multiple cognitive functions.
scientificThe scientist relied on scientific reasoning to make his conclusion.
soundWe made a sound reasoning and decided to go with the second option.
basedHis actions have no based reasoning behind them.
economicThe government's economic reasoning suggests that the new tax policy will stimulate growth.
prioriPriori reasoning relies on logical deduction to draw conclusions from known facts.
formalFormal reasoning is a logical process used to arrive at conclusions based on evidence.
clinicalThe nurse's clinical reasoning was excellent and helped the patient get better.
theoreticalThe theoretical reasoning behind the experiment is sound.
aboveI can't provide a sentence with 'above reasoning' as it doesn't make sense.
ethicalEthical reasoning should be applied to all decision-making processes.
verbalThe verbal reasoning section of the test was challenging.
philosophicalThe philosopher's response displayed sophisticated philosophical reasoning
qualitativeThe qualitative reasoning approach focuses on describing the behavior of a system without relying on specific numerical values.
spatialSpatial reasoning is the ability to recognise patterns and shapes and to mentally manipulate them.
probabilisticIn an uncertain world, many cognitive tasks require probabilistic reasoning
correctWith correct reasoning we can reach the desired outcome
closeHer close reasoning and meticulous research quickly earned her a reputation as an expert in her field.
statisticalStatistical reasoning is a valuable tool for interpreting data and drawing conclusions.
clearHer clear reasoning led to a well-informed decision.
quantitativeQuantitative reasoning is the ability to use numerical and graphical data to solve problems.
hypotheticalThe hypothetical reasoning used by the scientist led to a groundbreaking discovery.
criticalCritical reasoning is the ability to analyze and evaluate information in order to form judgments.
pureLogic dictates the conclusion with pure reasoning
discursiveThe discursive reasoning led to a well-rounded understanding of the issue.
nonmonotonicNonmonotonic reasoning allows for the retraction of previously inferred conclusions in light of new information.
diagnosticThe diagnostic reasoning process involves gathering and interpreting information to determine the cause of a problem.
dialecticalHe employs dialectical reasoning to challenge the assumptions underlying an argument.
consciousConscious reasoning is a cognitive process that involves deliberation and logical thinking.
judicialThe judicial reasoning was well-crafted and persuasive.
analyticalAnalytical reasoning is the ability to use logic and evidence to make sound judgments.
plausibleMy plausible reasoning led me to believe that the suspect was guilty.
carefulHe made a decision based on careful reasoning
intuitiveExperts in the field often rely on intuitive reasoning when making complex decisions.
arithmeticThe arithmetic reasoning used in this problem was straightforward and required minimal effort.
probableBased on probable reasoning he concluded that the defendant was guilty.
mereMere reasoning can sometimes lead us to incorrect conclusions.
metaphysicalMetaphysical reasoning led the philosopher to question the nature of reality and being.
complexThe decision-making process was guided by complex reasoning involving multiple factors and perspectives.
theologicalThe philosophical and theological reasoning for the existence of God has been debated for centuries.
fuzzyThe fuzzy reasoning system was able to make a decision based on incomplete and imprecise information.
speciousThe politician used specious reasoning to justify his stance on immigration.
inferentialBased on inferential reasoning we can assume that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.
geometricalThe geometrical reasoning behind the theorem is based on the properties of similar triangles.
subtleThe subtle reasoning of the philosopher led him to a profound understanding of the human condition.
everydayI rely on everyday reasoning to make sense of my surroundings.
abductiveSherlock Holmes uses abductive reasoning to infer logical conclusions from a given set of observations.
monotonicThe task of monotonic reasoning is to calculate the logical consequences of a set of constraints over a set of variables, where each variable has a constrained range of possible values.
systematicResearchers employed systematic reasoning to deduce the most likely hypothesis from the experimental data.
automatedAutomated reasoning is a subfield of artificial intelligence concerned with the development of systems that can reason from a set of premises to a conclusion.
speculativeThe speculative reasoning behind the theory was questionable.
arithmeticalI used arithmetical reasoning to solve the puzzle.
commonsensePeople tend to use commonsense reasoning in their everyday lives.
foregoingWe can conclude the foregoing reasoning is flawed.
cogentHer cogent reasoning impressed the audience.
geometricThe architect used geometric reasoning to determine the best way to support the weight of the building.
rationalRational reasoning involves using logic and evidence to draw conclusions.

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