Adjectives for Reliance

Adjectives For Reliance

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing reliance, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the term 'reliance' through various adjectives uncovers the complexity of dependence and trust. Using 'self' before 'reliance' emphasizes autonomy and self-sufficiency, contrasting with 'heavy' or 'greater' reliance, which suggests a deep trust or dependence on something outside oneself. Adjectives such as 'much' and 'great' indicate the extent or degree of reliance, showcasing its significance or impact. Conversely, 'little' reliance highlights a minimal level of dependence, often reflecting a sense of independence or confidence. Each adjective paints a unique shade of meaning, providing insights into the nature of dependence and trust in different contexts. Delve deeper into the subtleties of 'reliance' and discover the full spectrum of associated adjectives below.
selfSelf reliance is essential for achieving personal growth and success.
heavyThe project's heavy reliance on external funding made it vulnerable to budget cuts.
greaterThe new system will reduce operational costs and increase worker productivity with its greater reliance on automation.
muchThe current regulations put much reliance on subjective interpretations of human observers.
greatWe place great reliance on our instincts.
littleDue to little reliance on the substance, his recovery was greatly accelerated.
moreThe new system will require more reliance on automated processes.
exclusiveThe singer placed exclusive reliance on her agent to negotiate her contract.
excessiveExcessive reliance on technology can lead to isolation and social withdrawal.
chiefThe chief reliance of this stable is its heavy structure supported by a deep mat foundation.
mainThe main reliance of the company is on its exports
lessEnergy efficiency improvements can lead to less reliance on fossil fuels.
overOver reliance on technology can lead to a lack of critical thinking skills.
firmI have firm reliance in his ability to get the job done.
completeThey had complete reliance on their leader.
totalHe was grateful for his wife's total reliance upon him.
continuedThe continued reliance on fossil fuels has exacerbated the climate crisis.
implicitThey acted with implicit reliance on the police to protect them.
strongThe project's success is due in no small part to its strong reliance on open source software.
primaryThe company's primary reliance is on its ability to innovate new products.
undueWe must not place undue reliance on digital technology.
fullWe placed full reliance on our guide to lead us through the unfamiliar territory.
considerableThe project was completed with considerable reliance on external resources.
collectiveOur collective reliance on fossil fuels has led to environmental degradation.
absoluteShe placed absolute reliance on her father's judgment.
traditionalIn any case, the traditional reliance on personal networks for job searching was an inherent part of the hiring process.
principalThe company's principal reliance for the development of its new product was on outside consultants.
perfectWe must have perfect reliance on the mercy of the Lord.
extensiveThe team's extensive reliance on data analytics enabled them to make informed decisions and optimize performance.
greatestOur greatest reliance is on renewable energy sources.
mutualThe team members developed a strong sense of mutual reliance during the project.
detrimentalThe company's detrimental reliance on the outdated software led to significant financial losses.
ultimateVictory is determined by ultimate reliance on our true potential.
blindBlind reliance on intuition can lead to disastrous results.
heavierThe company's heavier reliance on technology has led to increased efficiency.
humbleIn humble reliance on divine guidance, they embarked on their arduous mission.
confidentShe made her decision with confident reliance
substantialThe court found that the plaintiff had placed substantial reliance on the defendant's representations.
technologicalOur technological reliance has led to a decrease in social interaction.
increasedThe increased reliance on technology in the workplace is making it easier for employees to get their work done.
widespreadWidespread reliance on fossil fuels has led to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.
strictThe contract was interpreted with strict reliance on its literal wording.
uncriticalUncritical reliance on authority can lead to dangerous consequences.
frequentData analysis requires frequent reliance on specialized software and algorithms.
utmostI place utmost reliance on his honesty and integrity.
calmEngineers worked with calm reliance under the immense pressure.
overwhelmingThe team's overwhelming reliance on just one player was their downfall.
firmestThe President also expressed his firmest reliance on the Almighty and his conviction that the way is opening for the arrival of a better day.
sureWe have sure reliance on His promises.
minimalThe team managed to function with minimal reliance on other resources.
proudThe ancient mariners sailed with proud reliance on their celestial navigation skills.
leastThe firm has placed its least reliance on researchers.

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