Adjectives for Religions

Adjectives For Religions

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing religions, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Discussing religions often involves exploring their different, other, and major aspects, each adjective delicately shaping our understanding and appreciation. Descriptors such as great, many, and new highlight the diversity, significance, and evolving nature of religious beliefs across cultures and time. The choice of adjectives not only enlightens our cognitive grasp but also enriches our emotional engagement with the topic, offering a multifaceted view of how religions influence and permeate human experience. Delve deeper into how each of these adjectives open a window into the complex world of religions below.
otherThere are other religions that have their own beliefs and practices.
differentPeople of different religions came together to celebrate the festival.
greatThe great religions of the world all share some common beliefs.
manyThere are many religions in the world.
newThe rise of new religions is often accompanied by controversy and debate.
majorThere are many major religions in the world.
variousPeople of various religions gathered to celebrate the festival.
traditionalHe is very conservative and he believes in traditional religions
africanAfrican religions are rich in traditions and beliefs.
christianThere are many different Christian religions each with its unique beliefs and practices.
ancientThose ancient religions were fascinating.
mostMost religions have a set of beliefs and practices.
easternEastern religions emphasize spiritual development and enlightenment.
orientalThe oriental religions emphasized the importance of meditation and self-realization.
monotheisticMonotheistic religions are those that believe in one God.
indianBuddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism are all Indian religions
paganHe is skeptical of pagan religions and other superstitions.
primitiveMany primitive religions emphasize the worship of ancestors.
nativeIn many traditional societies, native religions have been largely replaced by Western beliefs.
higherHigher religions believe in a higher being
indigenousThe indigenous religions of the Americas are as varied as the people themselves.
asianMany Asian religions teach reincarnation as a fundamental belief.
comparativeStudying comparative religions opened my mind to different beliefs and spiritual practices.
historicalI have studied many historical religions
tribalThe indigenous population has historically practiced tribal religions
chineseChinese religions include Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, which have had a profound impact on Chinese culture.
japaneseJapanese religions include Shinto, Buddhism, and Christianity.
popularPopular religions include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
semiticChristianity, Judaism, and Islam are all Semitic religions
respectivePeople from different backgrounds came together to celebrate their respective religions
theisticTheistic religions are based on the belief in one or more deities.
olderI'm not sure what you mean by 'older religions'. Can you give me an example?
historicThe world's historic religions have shaped the spiritual and cultural traditions of numerous societies throughout time.
ethnicEthnic religions are systems of belief and practice that are specific to particular ethnic groups.
calledBuddhism, Christianity, and Islam are all called religions
universalUniversal religions span the world and have followers from all backgrounds.
principalThe world's principal religions include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
polytheisticPolytheistic religions believe in multiple deities.
rivalThe rivalry between the two rival religions led to decades of conflict.
hellenisticThe Hellenistic period saw the rise of the mystery religions and this integration contributed to the spread of the Hellenistic religions
contemporaryMany contemporary religions emphasize the importance of compassion and understanding.
abrahamicThe Abrahamic religions include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
worldThe world religions are diverse and have a profound impact on society.
dominantBuddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism are the dominant religions in the world.
heathenThe Vikings practiced various heathen religions
protestantProtestant religions have spread throughout Europe and the Americas.
secularSecular religions do not involve belief in supernatural beings.
nonchristianThere are many nonchristian religions in the world.
orthodoxOrthodox religions have a long history and a wide variety of beliefs and practices.
primalPrimal religions are often based on animism and polytheism.
mainstreamMainstream religions have a large number of followers.
ethicalBuddhism, Confucianism and Taoism are considered as ethical religions
propheticZoroastrianism and Judaism are examples of prophetic religions
brazilianBrazil is a land of many religions, including Catholicism, Protestantism, and Brazilian religions
alienThe alien religions were a source of great fascination for the space explorers.
revealedThe major revealed religions are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
oldestThe oldest religions are still practiced today.
mysticalI've always been interested in the mystical religions of the East.
asiaticBuddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism are examples of asiatic religions
biblicalThe biblical religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
institutionalInstitutional religions have been around for centuries, providing guidance and support to countless people.
islamicThe Islamic religions such as Sunni, Shiite, and Sufi, all have unique beliefs and traditions.

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