Adjectives for Respondents

Adjectives For Respondents

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing respondents, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe 'respondents' in your writing or analysis can greatly impact the perception of your content. Whether referring to 'most respondents' to highlight a majority's behavior, 'female' or 'male respondents' to discuss gender-specific findings, or using 'few' and 'several' to denote quantity, each adjective carries its own nuance. These descriptive choices can significantly alter the reader's understanding of survey results, study outcomes, or general observations. Delve into the subtle distinctions that these adjectives bring to your discussions about 'respondents', and discover how each can help you communicate more effectively and accurately. Discover the full list of adjectives that can add depth and precision to your description of 'respondents' below.
mostMost respondents indicated that they were satisfied with the service.
manyMany respondents were unable to complete the survey.
femaleFemale respondents were more likely to report feeling depressed.
fewFew respondents were willing to participate in the survey.
severalSeveral respondents said they were dissatisfied with the service.
maleMale respondents were more likely to report higher levels of physical activity than female respondents.
olderOlder respondents reported a higher level of satisfaction than younger respondents.
potentialThe potential respondents were contacted by email and asked to participate in a survey.
youngerYounger respondents were more likely to report using social media.
nonThe researchers were unable to get a response from the non respondents
individualThe study's individual respondents were asked to complete a questionnaire about their experiences.
moreThe results showed a higher rate of positive responses among more respondents
ruralRural respondents reported significantly lower levels of physical activity and higher levels of sedentary behavior compared to urban respondents.
urbanThe urban respondents were more likely to have a college degree.
classThe class respondents were quick to answer the question.
chineseResults from Chinese respondents showed that half of them had used Wikipedia at least once.
privateIn view of the foregoing, the private respondents are hereby ordered to reinstate the petitioner.
japaneseJapanese respondents were more likely to report feeling satisfied with their lives.
elderlyThe elderly respondents in the study were more likely to have chronic health conditions.
educatedThe educated respondents were more likely to hold liberal views on social issues.
eligibleEligible respondents were randomly assigned to either the intervention or the control group.
originalThe original respondents were asked to provide their input on the matter.
fewerFewer respondents completed the survey this year than last year.
indianIndian respondents surveyed by the Pew Research Center overwhelmingly believe that the country is on the wrong track.
africanThe study sample was comprised of both african respondents and asian respondents.
muslimAmong other things, Muslim respondents reported higher levels of religiosity and perceived social support.
hispanicHispanic respondents were more likely to use social media than non-Hispanic respondents.
asianThe survey results showed that asian respondents were more likely to prefer spicy food.
bornThe born respondents were more likely to have a higher income.
prospectiveResearchers asked prospective respondents to complete a survey.
middleThe middle respondents were aged between 30 and 40.
unmarriedUnmarried respondents were more likely to report feeling lonely.
agedThe researchers analyzed data from aged respondents
mexicanMexican respondents reported higher levels of acculturation than did Puerto Rican respondents.
unemployedThe survey found that a significant number of unemployed respondents were long-term unemployed.
speakingSpeaking respondents need to be at the center of qualitative research.
youngestThe youngest respondents were more likely to report feeling lonely and isolated.
canadianThe study gathered data from 1,000 canadian respondents
illiterateVolunteers helped train the illiterate respondents with language and numeric skills.
oldestThe oldest respondents in the survey were over 80 years old.
proxyThe researchers used proxy respondents to collect data from participants who were unable to respond on their own.
generationMost generation respondents (born between 1982 and 1993) had no social memory of the Tiananmen movement.
italianHere is a sentence with Italian respondents
marriedThe married respondents were more likely to report being happy with their lives.
koreanKorean respondents reported higher levels of stress than American respondents.
dutchThe survey found that dutch respondents were more likely to agree with the statement.
mobileThe survey results were gathered from 200 mobile respondents
irishIrish respondents were more likely to report feeling lonely.
sampledThe researchers surveyed 1,000 sampled respondents to gather data for their study.
conservativeConservative respondents were less likely to support environmental regulation.

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