Adjectives for Salvation

Adjectives For Salvation

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing salvation, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the use of adjectives with the noun 'salvation' reveals the depth and variety of human spiritual and existential experiences. Descriptors like 'own,' 'eternal,' 'personal,' and 'only' underscore the individual journey toward enlightenment or redemption. On the other hand, terms like 'great' and 'universal' speak to a collective sense of deliverance or liberation that transcends personal boundaries. Each adjective not only colors the concept of salvation with different shades of meaning but also invites readers to ponder their own beliefs and the broader human quest for meaning. Dive deeper into the full spectrum of adjectives linked with 'salvation' to enrich your understanding and expression.
ownUltimately, it is up to the individual to take responsibility for their own salvation
eternalJohn's eternal salvation was assured by his belief in Christ.
personalPersonal salvation is the belief that individuals can be saved from sin and eternal punishment through faith in Jesus Christ.
onlyI found my only salvation in the unwavering love of my family.
greatWe have received God's great salvation and we are so grateful.
universalUniversal salvation is the belief that all people will experience salvation and enter heaven.
individualIndividual salvation is the belief that each person is responsible for their own salvation.
finalThe final salvation of mankind rests in the hands of God.
humanHuman salvation is the ultimate goal of all religious teachings.
spiritualMeditation and prayer offer paths to spiritual salvation
nationalThe national salvation movement has gained significant traction in recent years.
ultimateThe ultimate salvation from suffering can only be found through inner peace.
fullReceiving full salvation was the most important spiritual experience of her life.
christianChristian salvation is offered through Jesus' death and resurrection, bringing eternal life.
everlastingThe path to everlasting salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ.
futureIn order to find future salvation one must believe in the grace of God.
economicThe economic salvation of the nation depended on the success of the new trade deal.
trueTrue salvation is not about a place but about a person—Jesus Christ.
freeGrace offers us free salvation through God's unconditional love.
completeThe complete salvation of humanity from sin is only possible through the grace of God.
religiousThe pursuit of religious salvation brought the pilgrims to the new world.
possibleEmbracing the gospel offered possible salvation from eternal judgment.
divineThrough divine salvation we find redemption and eternal life.
eschatologicalThe eschatological salvation of all was our main concern.
exclusiveThe cult claimed exclusive salvation through the worship of its leader.
temporalThe temporal salvation of the church is a topic of great debate among theologians.
moralHe found moral salvation through his actions.
eventualThe eventual salvation of humanity depends on our collective actions.
messianicThe messianic salvation of humanity is a common theme in many religions.
collectiveThis ideology seeks collective salvation through political and economic equality.
promisedThe messiah's followers promised salvation to those who believed in him.
perfectTrusting in Jesus brings perfect salvation from sins.
secularThere is no need for secular salvation the concept is a contradiction.
worldlyI am seeking worldly salvation through the pursuit of success.
sureOnly Jesus Christ can offer sure salvation
soleIn the end, redemption was her sole salvation
earthlyIn the throes of desperation, we sought earthly salvation
infantInfant salvation is an imperative for a truly just society.
gospelThe gospel salvation is the only way to eternal life.
heavenlyThe heavenly salvation brought a sense of peace and joy to the faithful.
miraculousTheir miraculous salvation was a testament to their unyielding faith.
gloriousThe glorious salvation of God filled the hearts of the believers.
supernaturalThe supernatural salvation brought by the holy relic was a beacon of hope for the suffering.
finishedWe are saved through the Grace of God and our faith in Jesus Christ trusting that He finished salvation for us on the Cross
partialThe partial salvation of my soul was a gift I never expected.
instantaneousThe preacher promised instantaneous salvation to all who repented.
temporaryThe temporary salvation brought a sense of relief to the weary travelers.
instantAfter confessing his sins, he received instant salvation
otherworldlyThe otherworldly salvation offered a glimmer of hope in the desolate wasteland.
promisingHe offered me promising salvation
buddhistBuddhist salvation is achieved through the Eightfold Path and the attainment of enlightenment.
cosmicThrough cosmic salvation the wandering souls found eternal tranquility.
consequentThe consequent salvation of the believer should not be forgotten among the cares of this world.
offeredThe priest offered salvation to the repentant sinners.
imminentThe imminent salvation of our souls was the main topic of the sermon.
mightyWith the Lord's mighty salvation we can overcome any obstacle.
vicariousVicarious salvation grants redemption through the suffering and death of another entity.
definitiveJesus's sacrifice on the cross provided definitive salvation for all who believe in him.
unconditionalUnconditional salvation refers to the notion that one's salvation is guaranteed and not contingent upon their actions or beliefs.
profferedIn the dim recesses of the cathedral, a priest proffered salvation to the kneeling sinner.

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