Adjectives for Scanning

Adjectives For Scanning

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing scanning, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe scanning can significantly alter the perception of the activity. Whether it's an environmental scanning to assess the landscape, a visual scanning that captures images, or an optical scanning focused on light-based detection, each term conveys a unique aspect of the process. Ultrasonic scanning plunges into the depths beyond human hearing, while rapid scanning emphasizes speed, and electronic scanning points to technology's role. These nuances highlight the diversity and specificity of scanning applications, opening a world of descriptive possibilities. Dive into the full range of adjectives that can color your understanding of scanning activities below.
environmental'Environmental scanning' helped the organization keep up with the latest trends in the marketplace.
visualI used visual scanning to find the details in the painting.
opticalThe document was scanned using optical scanning technology.
ultrasonicThe doctor performed an ultrasonic scanning to examine the patient's internal organs.
rapidThe rapid scanning of the document revealed several important details.
electronicThe latest radar system uses electronic scanning to track targets and enhance accuracy.
tomographicTomographic scanning is a medical imaging technique that uses X-rays or other radiation to create cross-sectional images of the body.
dynamicThe dynamic scanning feature of the software allowed for real-time detection and mitigation of threats.
sequentialPerforming measurements in sequential scanning requires a scan sequence along all points of the scanning line.
mechanicalMechanical scanning can be implemented in a variety of ways.
computerizedThe computerized scanning system quickly analyzed the document.
interlacedThe interlaced scanning technology allows for smoother motion in videos.
nuclearThe patient underwent nuclear scanning to assess the extent of the tumor.
timeThe time scanning system allowed us to observe the entire process in slow motion.
routineThe routine scanning revealed no new anomalies.
computedThe doctor ordered a computed scanning of my head.
mixedThis is a sentence with mixed scanning both iambic and trochaic.
laserThe team used a laser scanning technique to create a three-dimensional model of the ancient ruins.
serialThe study used serial scanning to investigate the relationship between word frequency and eye movements.
helicalThe Electron Microscopy Facility provides a JEOL JSM-7001F field emission scanning electron microscope for high-resolution imaging at 1.2 nm and helical scanning for 3D reconstruction.
continuousThe system performs continuous scanning to detect any malicious activity.
renalRenal scanning is a type of imaging test that uses a small amount of radioactive material to create images of your kidneys and related structures.
conventionalWe used a conventional scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) with a Cs-corrector to image the as-grown TCNQ crystals.
progressiveThe television has progressive scanning which means that the image is drawn one line at a time, from top to bottom.
automaticThe automatic scanning system detected a potential threat.
abdominalThe abdominal scanning revealed a large mass in the patient's liver.
magneticThe magnetic scanning process revealed the presence of hidden artifacts.
dimensionalThe team utilized dimensional scanning techniques to obtain accurate measurements of the object.
densitometricDensitometric scanning can be used to evaluate medical images for tumors.
spiralThe doctor used spiral scanning to get a detailed image of the patient's organs.
directDirect scanning can help companies improve their efficiency and accuracy.
transvaginalThe transvaginal scanning was performed using a 5.0 MHz probe.
carefulThe careful scanning of the document revealed several discrepancies.
speedI skimmed the document using speed scanning to get a general overview.
horizontalThe horizontal scanning technique was used to create the image.
activeThe team used active scanning to identify potential vulnerabilities in the system.
simultaneousThe use of simultaneous scanning ensures that multiple images can be acquired at the same time.
linearThe linear scanning technique was used to detect faint cosmic objects.
perfusionPerfusion scanning is a non-invasive imaging technique used to assess blood flow to a specific organ or tissue.
rayThe medical device utilizes ray scanning to create a detailed image of the patient's anatomy.
verticalThe monitor has a vertical scanning frequency of 75 Hz.
quantitativeResearchers used quantitative scanning to analyze the data.
systematicThe systematic scanning of the area revealed no suspicious activity.
quickHe scanned the document with a quick scanning motion.
externalThe company conducted an external scanning to assess market opportunities.
fastThe fast scanning technology allows for quick and efficient document processing.
cardiacAdvanced cardiac scanning technology helps identify heart problems accurately.
axialThe optical coherence tomography uses axial scanning to create cross-sectional images of the retina.
transabdominalTransabdominal scanning is the most common method used to obtain images of the uterus and ovaries.
preoperativeThe patient's preoperative scanning showed no abnormalities.
bodyThe police used body scanning to identify the suspect.
enhancedThe enhanced scanning feature allows for more detailed and accurate scans.
initialThe initial scanning revealed several errors in the code.
myocardialThe myocardial scanning results came back normal.
rectilinearThe printer used rectilinear scanning to create the high-quality image.
successiveThe biologist conducted successive scanning of the cell's organelles to identify their functions.
digitalThe new digital scanning system is so fast that it can scan thousands of pages in minutes.
lineLine scanning is used to detect defects in the production line.
coronalThe appropriate level of radiation is delivered to the patient during coronal scanning
longitudinalLongitudinal scanning is a research method used to collect data over time from the same participants.
infraredThe infrared scanning revealed a hidden signature on the canvas.
repetitiveThe repetitive scanning of the monotonous text soon lulled me to sleep.
lateralThe robot employed lateral scanning to navigate the complex terrain.
constantThe constant scanning of the environment by the robot allowed it to navigate efficiently.
pancreaticThe pancreatic scanning can detect diseases of the pancreas, such as pancreatitis or cancer.
diagnosticThe mechanic performed a diagnostic scanning on the vehicle to identify the issue.
intraoperativeIntraoperative scanning provided real-time images of the surgical field, enabling the surgeon to make informed decisions during the procedure.
confocalConfocal scanning microscopy is a powerful imaging technique that allows for three-dimensional visualization of biological samples.
staticStatic scanning is an automated security testing method that analyzes source code for vulnerabilities.
isotopicIsotopic scanning results show that the patient has a large brain tumor.
fibrinogenFibrinogen scanning is a type of medical imaging used to detect blood clots.
technetiumTechnetium scanning is a technique used in medicine to diagnose various medical conditions.
radioactiveThe doctor used radioactive scanning to diagnose the patient's bone cancer.
manualThe manual scanning process revealed several errors in the data.
radioisotopicRadioisotopic scanning utilizes radioactive substances to visualize and assess the function of organs and tissues in the body.
passiveThe passive scanning tool monitors network traffic for suspicious activity.
subsequentHe remained critically ill following the surgery and his subsequent scanning showed a small haemorrhage.
liverThe doctor ordered a liver scanning to check for any abnormalities.
slowThe slow scanning process revealed a hidden message in the image.
isotopeIsotope scanning is a medical imaging technique that uses radioactive isotopes to create images of the body's organs and tissues.
99mThe patient underwent 99m scanning to assess the extent of the infection.
extensiveThe researchers conducted an extensive scanning of the area to identify potential threats.

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