Adjectives for Schedules

Adjectives For Schedules

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing schedules, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the nuances of adjectives when paired with the noun 'schedules' unveils a fascinating array of interpretations and expectations. A 'busy' schedule speaks to a life filled with activities, often implying a sense of fulfillment yet simultaneous overwhelm. A 'flexible' schedule, on the other hand, suggests an adaptable approach to tasks and commitments, highlighting a prioritization of work-life balance. 'Daily' and 'regular' schedules introduce a framework of routine and predictability, essential for those who thrive on consistency. Meanwhile, 'different' and 'various' schedules indicate a diversity in how time can be organized, catering to unique needs and lifestyles. Each adjective transforms the perception of schedules, inviting a deeper reflection on how we manage our time. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives used with 'schedules' to discover more about the intricacies they reveal.
differentThe students have different schedules for their online classes.
busyWith our busy schedules we often forget to take care of ourselves.
flexibleThe company's flexible schedules allowed employees to work from home or the office.
dailyMy daily schedules keep me on track and organized.
regularThe office staff followed regular schedules to ensure efficient operations.
variousThe meeting was postponed to accommodate various schedules
intervalInterval schedules are reinforcement schedules that provide reinforcement after a set amount of time has passed.
tightWe need to stick to tight schedules if we want to finish the project on time.
detailedThe detailed schedules for the event are now available.
individualThe teachers organized individual schedules for the students.
alternativePassengers who need alternative schedules can board the next train at 8:30.
separateWe all have separate schedules but our end goal remains the same.
optimalThe engineers designed optimal schedules for the project.
rigidWe have to follow rigid schedules in our daily life.
timeThe company has strict time schedules for all employees.
concurrentLab workers must learn how to switch between concurrent schedules
multipleThe employees were rewarded on multiple schedules such as daily, weekly, and monthly.
intermittentIntermittent schedules of reinforcement can lead to persistent behavior, even after extended periods of non-reinforcement.
weeklyMy weekly schedules are quite flexible and I can adjust them according to my needs.
currentThe current schedules for the trains are available online.
specificWe adhere to specific schedules to ensure timely delivery.
variableThe variable schedules are designed to prevent the subject from predicting when the reinforcer will be delivered.
hecticDespite their hectic schedules they found time for each other.
fixedThe employees follow fixed schedules to ensure efficient work processes.
possiblePlanning around all possible schedules can be overwhelming.
originalThe project was delayed and is now behind its original schedules
heavyThe employees had a hard time coping with their heavy schedules
followingI'm following schedules on a daily basis.
irregularEmployees who work irregular schedules may need to adjust their sleep patterns.
appropriate"You should create appropriate schedules for team members' periodical work performance discussions."
standardWe adhere to standard schedules to ensure timely delivery.
salaryThe salary schedules varied by location and seniority.
strictShe had to follow strict schedules and do everything according to the plan.
partialThe training program uses partial schedules to gradually increase the intensity and duration of workouts.
feasibleWe are trying to figure out feasible schedules that work for the most amount of people.
structuredThe coach prepared structured schedules for the team's training sessions.
continuousMany hourly employees are paid according to continuous schedules
developmentalHer developmental schedules were often delayed compared to other babies.
dayThe trainer reviewed the day schedules for each athlete.
marginalThe firm will choose the point of output where marginal revenue equals marginal schedules
monthlyWe can adjust the monthly schedules according to your needs.
realisticRealistic schedules enable us to achieve our goals more effectively.
minimumWe must meet the minimum schedules to complete the project on time.
typicalWe should stick to our typical schedules and daily routines.
federalThe employee works 80 hours every two weeks according to the federal schedules
definiteWe have definite schedules for our appointments.
hourEmployees were required to submit their hour schedules by the end of the month.
respectiveThe team members could not meet due to their respective schedules
frequentMany passengers rely on frequent schedules to get to their destinations on time.
routineTheir routine schedules were disrupted by the unexpected event.
shorterThe new airline will operate with shorter schedules
complicatedOverlapping and complicated schedules left little room for breaks.
nonstandardThe hospital can accommodate those who work nonstandard schedules
printedThe printed schedules were distributed to all students.
conventionalThe requirements do not allow for conventional schedules
academicThe university announced several revisions to its academic schedules
plannedWe stuck to our planned schedules and completed the project on time.
termI will divide the term schedules into 10-week blocks for each term.
erraticThe erratic schedules left staff exhausted and overwhelmed.
uniformThe employees in the office worked uniform schedules
longerThe extended hours resulted in longer schedules for employees.
preventiveRegular preventive schedules can help ensure optimal system performance and extend its lifespan.
fasterThe factory implemented faster schedules to increase productivity.

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