Adjectives for Sciences

Adjectives For Sciences

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing sciences, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Diving into the realm of sciences opens up a world where adjectives such as 'social', 'natural', 'physical', 'other', 'biological', and 'human' play pivotal roles in defining the nuances and perspectives of various fields. These adjectives not only distinguish the branches of science but also underscore the diverse methodologies, assumptions, and applications inherent to each area. From the explorative depths of natural sciences, revealing the laws of the physical world, to the introspective realms of social sciences, understanding human behaviors, each adjective guides us through the multifaceted nature of scientific inquiry. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives associated with 'sciences' and the unique lens each one offers to our understanding of the universe.
socialThe social sciences are an academic discipline that studies human behavior and society.
naturalNatural sciences are the systematic study of the natural world using empirical observation and experimentation.
physicalI am interested in the physical sciences
otherThe work that we do is often at the crossroads of computer science and other sciences
biologicalThe biological sciences are a branch of science that deals with the study of life.
humanThe human sciences are the disciplines that study the human condition.
behavioralBehavioral sciences are the scientific study of behavior.
exactI excel in exact sciences such as math and physics.
basicThe basic sciences such as biology, chemistry, and physics, provide the foundation for understanding the natural world.
medicalMedical sciences are the branches of science devoted to the study of medicine.
variousHer knowledge of various sciences encompasses astrophysics, molecular biology, and thermodynamics.
mathematicalMathematical sciences has been a fundamental part of human civilization.
specialThe social sciences and medicine are often referred to as special sciences
empiricalEmpirical sciences rely on observation and experimentation to study the natural world.
modernModern sciences have advanced our understanding of the world around us.
hardStudents studying hard sciences require extensive knowledge and expertise.
environmentalEnvironmental sciences are the study of the interaction between the natural environment, the human environment, and the built environment.
occultThe occult sciences have always fascinated me.
moralHer main focus was on moral sciences during her undergrad
experimentalStudents in experimental sciences like physics and chemistry conduct experiments to test hypotheses.
pureAnalysis of pure sciences suggests a link between scientific inquiry and technological advancements.
positiveI am interested in positive sciences
biomedicalThe biomedical sciences are a broad field that encompasses the study of human health and disease.
cognitiveCognitive sciences explore the mind and its processes.
relatedScience is a diverse field that encompasses many related sciences including biology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy.
comparativeComparative sciences help us understand the similarities and differences between different cultures.
agriculturalThe agricultural sciences are a branch of science that deals with the production, processing, and distribution of food and other agricultural products.
theoreticalAlbert Einstein was one of the most important figures in the field of theoretical sciences
behaviouralThe behavioural sciences are the study of human behaviour and its underlying processes.
alliedThe university offers a range of courses in allied sciences and humanities.
calledOf the several divisions into which what is called sciences are divided, that of pure and mixed mathematics is perhaps the most logical.
abstractAbstract sciences such as mathematics and theoretical physics, are not always easy to understand.
psychologicalThe psychological sciences are the study of the human mind and behavior.
philosophicalThe philosophical sciences are a broad and diverse field of study that encompasses a wide range of topics, from the nature of reality to the meaning of life.
geologicalThe geological sciences are concerned with the study of the Earth's physical structure and history.
atmosphericAtmospheric sciences is the study of the Earth's atmosphere and the processes that occur in it.
islamicThe students studied Islamic sciences at the university.
earthEarth sciences encompass all scientific disciplines that study the planet Earth.
liberalI studied liberal sciences in college and learned about a wide range of subjects.
inductiveThe inductive sciences are based on observation and experimentation.
speculativeSpeculative sciences such as economics, postulate models of the world to investigate potential outcomes.
marineMarine sciences study the oceans and their interactions with the atmosphere, land, and life.
advancedThe advanced sciences of today allow us to explore the universe in a way unimaginable even a century ago.
normativeNormative sciences including logic, ethics, and aesthetics, deal with what ought to be.
appliedApplied sciences help us solve real-world problems through the practical application of scientific knowledge.
pharmaceuticalThe pharmaceutical sciences are a branch of science that deals with the development and testing of new drugs and medicines.
descriptiveDescriptive sciences are concerned with the systematic description of natural phenomena.
forensicForensic sciences have revolutionized the way criminal investigations are conducted.
kindredThe kindred sciences of mathematics and physics are closely related.
specializedThe students took specialized sciences like computer science, data science, and other disciplines.
deductiveDeductive sciences use logic to derive conclusions from premises.
humanisticThe humanistic sciences are concerned with the study of human culture and society.
biologicHer research involves theoretical ecology and its implications for the management of natural resources, particularly endangered species, within the context of global climate change as well as practicing evolutionary genetics of domesticated species through the application of quantitative genetic theory to breeding programs and the development of new strategies for conservation of rare and endangered species using principles of molecular biology, veterinary medicine, and biologic sciences
auxiliaryArchaeology and epigraphy are among the auxiliary sciences of history.

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