Adjectives for Seeing

Adjectives For Seeing

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing seeing, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe seeing can deeply influence the conveyed meaning, emotions, and imagery of a sentence. For instance, worth seeing suggests an experience that is valuable and should not be missed, while clear seeing invokes an image of unobstructed and understandable view or perception. Similarly, far seeing goes beyond the literal distance, often metaphorically referring to insight or foresight. Each adjective, be it sight seeing, all seeing, or good seeing, paints a unique shade of meaning and context, enriching the narrative. Dive into the full spectrum of adjectives paired with seeing to master the nuances and elevate your storytelling.
worthThe exhibition was worth seeing
sightWe spent the day sight seeing and exploring the city.
farThe far seeing eagle spotted its prey from miles away.
clearWith clear seeing the path ahead becomes illuminated.
allThe all seeing eye watched over the city.
goodThe optician said I have good seeing and that I don't need glasses.
mereI was captivated by the mere seeing of the intricate tapestry.
actualActual seeing is the only way to appreciate the beauty of nature.
trueWith true seeing I can perceive the true nature of all beings and objects.
pureThe glow of pure seeing showed him the truth.
directHaving a direct seeing I can see you clearly even in the dark.
ordinaryThe ordinary seeing was as if a veil had been lifted.
poorThe astronomer was disappointed by the poor seeing conditions.
spiritualSpiritual seeing encompasses much more than merely the perception of physical forms.
muchHe was a man of much seeing having traveled the world for many years.
atmosphericThe atmospheric seeing was excellent, allowing for clear observations of the distant stars.
blindThe blind seeing has shown how the brain can adapt to compensate for sensory loss.
simpleSimple seeing is a profound experience.
nonThe non seeing man walked down the street.
badThe bad seeing made it difficult to observe the stars.
betterTo ensure better seeing they can use a combination of corrective eyewear and vision therapy.
innerHer inner seeing allowed her to perceive the hidden meaning of the painting.
criticalClear atmospheric conditions led to only critical seeing limiting the telescope's ability to resolve fine details.
superficialSuperficial seeing like like being at a party without really getting involved.
inwardWith inward seeing he sought the truth that lay within.
perfectThe perfect seeing allowed us to see the stars with great clarity.
mentalThe mental seeing is clear and bright.
superiorThe hawk's superior seeing allowed it to spot the mouse from miles away.
intellectualIntellectual seeing allowed him to grasp the concepts easily.
photographicDue to the recent storm, the clear skies have enabled exceptional photographic seeing
accurateAccurate seeing allows us to perceive the world around us with greater clarity and precision.
casualI'm not sure what you mean by 'casual seeing'.
immediateThe immediate seeing of the beautiful view took my breath away.
excellentObserving conditions provided excellent seeing last night.
astronomicalThe telescope had exceptional astronomical seeing and was able to resolve fine details on the planet's surface.
comfortableIt was comfortable seeing him again after so long.
falseThe sensor detected a false seeing of a moving object.
everydayEveryday seeing him made me less afraid of him
literalThe mirror allowed for literal seeing of his reflection.
correctThe correct seeing of things is wisdom.
phenomenologicalPhenomenological seeing includes the experience of things as they are in the present moment, without conceptual or judgmental overlays.
distantThe distant seeing spacecraft has been observing the planet for the past year.
creativeMy creative seeing allowed me to see the potential in the ordinary.
imaginativeThe imaginative seeing of the artist brought the painting to life.
quickThe physicist's quick seeing calibrated the telescope.
consciousConscious seeing involves observing and comprehending the present moment without judgment.
intuitiveThe intuitive seeing of the homeless man can help to understand the complexities of urban poverty.
deadI have not seen any dead seeing
selectiveShe displayed selective seeing by only remembering the good times they shared.
mutualEach meeting was based on the mutual seeing of the group, along with prayer, and was centred around a topic.
genuineGenuine seeing might mean knowing what your life is about before you are born.
abstractiveWith a keen eye, the artist captured the essence of the scene, creating a mesmerizing abstractive seeing that evoked both reverence and wonder.
altruisticSelf-sacrifice is not a duty but an altruistic seeing that humans owe to everything that lives.
efficientThe efficient seeing of the hawk allows it to spot prey from afar.
artisticAlice appreciated artistic seeing by other people.
deeperDeeper seeing is looking beneath the surface to understand the true nature of things.
clearerClearer seeing is a skill that can be cultivated through practice.
steadyThe steady seeing conditions allowed for clear astronomical observations.
eideticThe detective had the uncanny ability for eidetic seeing allowing him to memorize every detail of the crime scene.
eternalThe eternal seeing of the world filled her with awe and wonder.
perspectivalOne's perspectival seeing may differ drastically from another's even when beholding the identical object.
siteWe went site seeing in the city.

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