Adjectives for Segments

Adjectives For Segments

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing segments, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe segments can significantly alter the perception of your message. From different segments that highlight variety to large segments indicating size, each adjective brings its unique nuance. Whether you're discussing various aspects, referring to certain specific parts, mentioning several pieces, or describing short sections, the adjective chosen paints a vivid picture in the reader's mind. It's about selecting the shade of meaning you wish to emphasize. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives paired with 'segments' to enhance your descriptive prowess.
differentThis report provides data from different segments of the population.
largeThe population of the country is divided into large segments
variousThe report included various segments on the company's performance and financial health.
certain"Certain segments" of the population may be more affected by the new policy.
severalThe talkshow featured several segments on how to improve your diet.
shortThis long sentence can be broken into many short segments
individualThe patchwork quilt was composed of 6 individual segments
outerThe outer segments of the retinal photoreceptor cells contain the light-sensitive pigments.
specificThe marketing team focused on specific segments of the population.
abdominalThe abdominal segments of the grasshopper are clearly visible.
majorThe company was divided into two major segments
posteriorThe posterior segments of the eyes were normal.
adjacentThe adjacent segments of the line are congruent.
lowerThe patient has weakness in the lower segments of both legs.
straightThe path is made up of only straight segments
anteriorThe anterior segments of the eyes were examined with a slit lamp.
smallerThe new system was divided into smaller segments for greater efficiency.
upperYour knowledge of the upper segments of the body is impressive.
spinalThe spinal segments are interconnected by nerves.
equalThe carpenter cut the board into three equal segments
lineThe two line segments are congruent.
separateThe company is divided into separate segments that focus on different aspects of the business.
distinctThe car had three distinct segments the engine, the passenger compartment, and the trunk.
distalThe distal segments of the upper limb show greater flexibility compared to those of the lower limb.
multipleThis sentence is composed of multiple segments
terminalThe respiratory system includes the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and terminal segments
cervicalThe cervical segments of the spinal cord are located in the neck.
innerThe inner segments of rod photoreceptors contain the photosensitive pigment rhodopsin.
largerThe company's larger segments are manufacturing, retail, and technology.
isolatedThe isolated segments could not be connected to any cell.
linearThe linear segments connect the vertices of a polygon.
correspondingThe corresponding segments of the two circles are equal in length.
fourthThe fourth segments had been discovered by the team of scientists.
successiveWe analyzed the successive segments to identify the regions of interest.
thoracicThe thoracic segments of the spine are located in the chest area and are made up of 12 vertebrae.
broadThe political rhetoric had broad segments of the country in turmoil.
narrowRainwater dripped out of the narrow segments of the gutter.
minuteShe divided the hour into minute segments
antennalThe ant's antennal segments are covered in tiny hairs that help it detect its surroundings.
proximalThe proximal segments of the leg include the femur, tibia, and fibula.
verticalThe vertical segments of the tower were visible from miles away.
numerousThe snake slithered through the grass with its numerous segments
apicalThe apical segments of these new chromosomes constitute true telocentric chromosomes.
horizontalThe broken cable hung in horizontal segments
hardThe hard segments of the polymer were responsible for its high tensile strength.
intestinalThe surgeon said there were many healthy intestinal segments available for removal.
discreteThe launch vehicle's trajectory can be divided into discrete segments each with its own objectives and constraints.
buccalThe buccal segments of the maxillary and mandible are the premolars and molars, respectively.
primitiveThe primitive segments of the vertebrate body are the sclerotomes, myotomes, and dermatomes.
helicalThe protein contains two helical segments
middleThe middle segments of the population are often overlooked.
fifthThe fifth segments of the project are almost complete.
keyIdentify the key segments of the market that you are planning to target.
lumbarThe lumbar segments of the spine are the five vertebrae that make up the lower back.
shorterThe shorter segments increased the risk of confusion.
longerThe truss bridge is composed of longer segments connected by pins at each end.
shapedThe antique mirror's surface was broken into a hundred shaped segments
arterialThe arterial segments were severely constricted.
consecutiveThe two consecutive segments had high abnormality scores
sacralThe sacral segments of the spinal cord provide innervation to the pelvic organs and lower limbs.
poorerThe education gap between richer and poorer segments of the population has continued to grow.
sixthThe insect's sixth segments were extremely sensitive
seventhThe seven components or segments make up the seventh segments
diverseThe company's products appeal to diverse segments of the market.
affectedThe affected segments of the population include the elderly, the poor, and the disabled.
curvedThe road snaked through the mountains, its curved segments hugging the contours of the land.
poorestThe poorest segments of the population are often the most vulnerable to economic downturns.
parallelThe parallel segments are congruent.

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