Adjectives for Species

Adjectives For Species

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing species, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the nuances of adjectives when paired with the word 'species' unveils a rich tapestry of biodiversity and taxonomic classification. Each adjective—be it 'other,' 'different,' 'many,' 'several,' or 'new'—carries with it a layer of meaning that highlights the vast variety and uniqueness inherent in the natural world. Using 'same' in conjunction underscores commonalities and connections between species, emphasizing the intricate web of life on our planet. The choice of adjective not only describes but also celebrates the complexity and wonder of the biological diversity around us. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives most frequently used with 'species' and the sentences that bring them to life below.
otherFungi play a critical role in ecosystems by supporting other species
differentThere are many different species of birds in the world.
manyMany species rely on rivers for survival.
severalThere are several species of birds in the area.
newScientists have discovered a new species of frog in the Amazon rainforest.
sameThe two birds are of the same species
variousBob's backyard is teeming with various species of birds.
humanThe human species is the only one known to have developed language and culture.
certainCertain species of birds have been known to migrate thousands of miles each year.
mostMost species live on planet Earth.
fewThere are few species that can survive in the harsh conditions of the desert.
singleThe single species of tree in the forest was a type of oak.
commonThere are many common species of birds in the park.
particularThe particular species of plant requires special care.
distinctThere are distinct species of birds in the Amazon rainforest.
nativeHumans are native species of Earth.
rareThe zoo is home to several rare species
wildBiologists look at wild species for insights about human epidemiology.
numerousThe park is home to numerous species of birds.
dominantThe lion is the dominant species in the savannah ecosystem.
mammalianThe diversity of mammalian species is vast, ranging from tiny shrews to massive whales.
molecularThe molecular species present in the sample were identified using mass spectrometry.
bacterialScientists have identified over 5,000 bacterial species that live in the human gut.
largerThe study found that larger species are more likely to have smaller population sizes.
smallerThe smaller species were able to hide from the larger predators.
separateThe two insects are of separate species and they cannot mate or produce viable offspring.
relatedThe three related species are rock pigeons, passenger pigeons, and white-crowned pigeons.
exoticA team of scientists traveled to the Amazon rainforest to observe exotic species
latterThe latter species is found in North America.
marineThe marine species in this area are diverse and abundant.
extinctThe Thylacine, an extinct species was a carnivorous marsupial native to Australia.
alliedThe allied species were able to work together to defeat their enemy.
europeanThe European species of the genus Testudo are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation.
endemicThe Galapagos Islands are home to many endemic species found nowhere else on Earth.
tropicalThe island is home to a diverse range of tropical species
subCertain sub species may have different mating rituals.
abundantThe forest was home to an abundant species of birds.
aquaticThe team observed several aquatic species in the lake.
fossilThe fossil species was recently discovered in the Amazon rainforest.
northThere are many north species of animals in the world
indigenousThe national park is home to numerous indigenous species
biologicalThe biological species concept defines a species as a group of similar organisms that can successfully breed with one another.
largestThe blue whale is the largest species on Earth.
ionicThe ionic species present in the solution are responsible for its electrical conductivity.
invasiveInvasive species are non-native organisms that have been introduced to a new environment and have become a threat to native biodiversity.
migratoryMigratory species travel long distances between their breeding and wintering grounds.
valuableThe valuable species of trees in the forest are being illegally logged.
alienThe alien species had arrived on Earth with peaceful intentions.
peculiarThe peculiar species exhibited unique behavioral patterns unlike any other animal on Earth.
terrestrialThis section handles the requirements of specific terrestrial species
australianThe Australian species of kangaroo is a marsupial.
woodyThe woody species of the area are mainly composed of oak, maple, and hickory trees.
tolerantThe experiment required a tolerant species for the harsh conditions.
vertebrateThe Arctic is home to a variety of vertebrate species including polar bears, seals, and whales.
knownThe total number of known species on Earth is estimated to be between 5 and 10 million.
freshwaterThe freshwater species of fish in the lake are thriving.
sensitiveThe sensitive species required special care and attention from the researchers.
pathogenicThe detection of pathogenic species is essential for making an accurate diagnosis and providing appropriate treatment.
primatePrimate species include humans, monkeys, and apes.
avianThis study examined the foliage utilized by avian species during the dry season and its relationship to the abundance of arthropods.
widespreadBrown rats (Rattus norvegicus) are considered a widespread species

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