Adjectives for Statistics

Adjectives For Statistics

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing statistics, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The word 'statistics' may seem straightforward, but pairing it with different adjectives unlocks a world of meaning. For instance, 'official statistics' conveys a sense of government-backed reliability, while 'vital statistics' hints at essential data pivotal for decision-making. 'Descriptive statistics' introduces the basics of data interpretation, as opposed to 'national statistics' which emphasizes geographic specificity. Furthermore, 'available statistics' suggests accessibility, whereas 'reliable statistics' assures accuracy and trustworthiness. Each adjective, thus, shades 'statistics' with subtle nuances, reflecting the depth and variety of data interpretation. Explore our comprehensive list to understand how these adjectives can significantly change your perception of 'statistics.'
officialThe official statistics show that the economy is growing at a steady pace.
vitalTo obtain this information, the person must present their vital statistics including information such as date of birth, height and weight.
descriptiveDescriptive statistics are used to summarize and describe the main features of a data set.
nationalNational statistics show that the economy is growing.
availableThe available statistics show that the economy is improving.
reliableWe can make reliable statistics with the data we have gathered so far.
followingThe following statistics illustrate the increase in sales.
inferentialInferential statistics is the process of making inferences about a population based on a sample.
historicalThe paper presents the historical statistics on major crops and livestock in the agriculture sector.
economicThe economic statistics for the quarter showed a steady growth in GDP.
recentAccording to recent statistics the rate of unemployment has decreased significantly.
accurateThe accurate statistics demonstrate the team's success.
criminalCriminal statistics are a compilation of data on crimes and criminals.
mathematicalMathematical statistics are used to collect, analyze, interpret, and present data.
basicBasic statistics can help you understand the central tendencies, variability, and distribution of data.
comparativeComparative statistics can uncover important relationships between variables and their distributions.
detailedDetailed statistics show that the economy is growing.
agriculturalAgricultural statistics are vital for planning and policy making in the agricultural sector.
latestThe latest statistics show that the economy is growing at a steady pace.
financialFinancial statistics are essential for understanding the performance of a company.
annualThe annual statistics for the company's performance were released last week.
internationalInternational statistics often reveal trends and patterns across different countries and regions.
nonparametricNonparametric statistics are used when the data does not follow a normal distribution.
summaryThe summary statistics for the dataset are presented in the table below.
demographicThe results from the latest demographic statistics were fascinating.
educationalEducational statistics provide insights into the current state of education systems and help identify areas for improvement.
relevantThe team's research showed that the relevant statistics were in line with their initial assumptions.
medicalMedical statistics play a significant role in understanding patterns and trends in health and disease.
parametricThe researchers utilized parametric statistics to assess the relationship between the two variables.
sovietThe validity of soviet statistics had been questioned numerous times.
classicalClassical statistics relies heavily on assumptions about the underlying data distribution.
multivariateMultivariate statistics is a branch of statistics that deals with the analysis of data with more than one dependent variable.
sufficientSufficient statistics summarize all of the information in a sample that is relevant to a particular statistical inference.
completeThe complete statistics will be available soon.
diracThe exclusion principle is a quantum mechanical law that states that no two identical particles can occupy the same quantum state, and it applies to fermions, particles that obey dirac statistics and have half-integer spin.
industrialIndustrial statistics play a vital role in monitoring and improving the efficiency of manufacturing processes.
exactI'm afraid I don't have exact statistics on that. However, I can give you an estimate.
interestingResearchers have compiled some interesting statistics on the habitat use and behaviour of the spotted hyena, revealing some fascinating insights into their social dynamics and ecological roles.
aggregateThe aggregate statistics show a significant increase in sales in the last quarter.
spatialIntegrating spatial statistics into the research pipeline can greatly enhance the depth, reliability, and efficiency of the analysis.
comparableThe overall crime rate has shown comparable statistics with last year's data.
monthlyThe monthly statistics show a significant increase in website traffic.
adequateThe analysis used adequate statistics to ensure accurate results.
keyThe company's key statistics include a 15% increase in revenue and a 20% increase in net income.
overallThe overall statistics are very positive.
usefulThe article contained useful statistics that helped me to understand the topic better.
comprehensiveThe report provided comprehensive statistics on the company's performance.
chineseChinese statistics show that the population of China is 1.4 billion.
fitThe fit statistics showed that the model was a good fit for the data.
impressiveThe company has reported impressive statistics for the past quarter.
relatedResearchers analyzed related statistics
globalGlobal statistics show the vast majority of the population has access to electricity.
precisePrecise statistics show that 75% of respondents prefer option A.
squareThe square statistics were used to analyze the data.
valuableThe valuable statistics show that the company has made significant progress in the last quarter.
univariateThe research was conducted using univariate statistics
regionalThe regional statistics show that the economy is growing.
judicialThe judicial statistics show that the number of criminal cases has been decreasing in recent years.

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