Adjectives for Stays

Adjectives For Stays

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing stays, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe 'stays' can dramatically shift the perception of time and experience. 'Long' and 'longer' stays evoke a sense of extended duration, often implying a deeper engagement or relaxation period. The terms 'short' and 'shorter,' on the other hand, conjure up brief encounters or quick visits, perfect for travelers with limited time. An 'overnight' stay specifies a very particular time frame, hinting at a concise, perhaps necessary pause. Meanwhile, an 'extended' stay paints a picture of prolonged adventures or commitments, offering a deeper immersion into the locale or circumstance. Explore the full range of adjectives that color the experiences behind every stay.
longWe offer discounts for long stays
longerLonger stays are subject to availability and must be booked in advance.
overnightThe travelers booked overnight stays at the bed and breakfast.
shortThe hotel offers short stays starting from one night.
shorterWe offer a variety of room types for different needs, including shorter stays
extendedWe offer discounts on extended stays
termThe term stays valid for 30 days.
briefThe couple planned for brief stays in each city.
inpatientThe hospital provides a variety of inpatient stays including short-term stays for acute illnesses and longer-term stays for chronic conditions.
lengthyThe lengthy stays of the guests made it difficult to keep the hotel fully booked.
prolongedThe hotel offers discounts for prolonged stays
backThe tent's back stays were taut.
tightThe woman was uncomfortable in her tight stays but she knew they were fashionable.
diagonalThe diagonal stays were tightened to provide additional support to the structure.
temporaryThe bed and breakfast offers temporary stays for those looking for a short-term vacation.
frequentThe hotel offered a discount to guests with frequent stays
stiffThe bodice was made of heavy silk with stiff stays
mainShe found solace only with her most trusted main stays
individualThe individual stays are designed for those who want privacy and independence.
averageThis hotel has average stays of 5 nights.
shortenedTourists are making shortened stays in popular destinations.
screwedThe rusted screwed stays creaked in the wind.
previousI've had great experiences with my previous stays in this hotel.
longitudinalThe hospital's average length of stay for patients with pneumonia was 5.2 days, with a range of 1-14 days and a median of 4 days, including 12% of patients with longitudinal stays of greater than 10 days.
femaleThe female stays in the castle.
dayThe day stays warm until the evening.
protractedThe hospital's protracted stays strained their resources.
verticalThe vertical stays of the Eiffel Tower provide a breathtaking view of the city below.
sureLettie sure stays out late when she goes to visit her friends.
woodenThe wooden stays of the old corset creaked as she moved.
radialThe stalactites were supported by delicate radial stays
longestHer longest stays are throughout the weeks of December 12 through December 26 and January 16 through February 6.
patientThe patient stays in the hospital for a few days.
numerousThe hotel offers guests numerous stays with various amenities and packages.
minimumThe resort requires minimum stays of three nights on weekends.
occasionalThe company offers a variety of discounts, including occasional stays
latterThe latter stays in the room through the whole meeting.
multipleHe has had multiple stays in the hospital.
rigidThe corset was supported by rigid stays
firmThe firm stays strong in the face of adversity.
homeWe decided to experiment with home stays during our travels.
crossHeavy cross stays keep the mature elm from listing.
throughShe stuck with through stays and hard times.
fatThe fat stays on the surface of the liquid.
weeklyThey offered us complimentary weekly stays at their vacation villa.
inclinedThe inclined stays supported the roof of the old house.
expensiveThe hotel offered expensive stays for their guests.
periodicThe consultant recommended periodic stays in the hospital for the patient.
aftThe aft stays of the ship creaked in the wind
institutionalHer institutional stays have been frequent and prolonged.
postoperativeThe patient's postoperative stays were uneventful.
momentaryThe momentary stays in her speech gave everyone time to ponder.
liquidLiquid stays in the container as long as the container is not broken.
boxThe box stays in the corner of the room.
ironThe wrought iron stays creaked and groaned as the wind howled.
intensiveThe patient's intensive stays in the hospital were due to complications from surgery.

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