Adjectives for Substance

Adjectives For Substance

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing substance, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The choice of adjectives paired with the noun 'substance' profoundly affects the vividness and clarity of your expression. Describing a substance as 'white' immediately conjures images of purity or simplicity, while 'solid' emphasizes its physical state, grounding the substance in palpability. 'Active' introduces an element of dynamism or potency, suggesting that the substance is not merely inert but plays a significant role in a process or reaction. Using 'intercellular' catapults the reader into a microscopic world, highlighting the substance's biological significance. Each adjective opens a portal to a nuanced understanding, shaping the reader's perception in subtle yet profound ways. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives that bring to life the many facets of 'substance' below.
whiteThe viscous white substance oozed out of the broken container.
solidThe solid substance was hard to break apart.
veryI am very substance
intercellularThe intercellular substance is a matrix that fills the spaces between cells and holds them together.
toxicThe toxic substance leaked from the factory and contaminated the nearby river.
foreignThe doctor removed a foreign substance from the patient's eye.
purePure substances are composed of molecules that are identical in structure and composition.
organicThe organic substance in the soil is essential for plant growth.
chemicalThe chemical substance was analyzed using a variety of techniques.
spiritualIn the quietude of contemplation, we discover the depths of our spiritual substance
hardThe hard substance scratched the surface of the table.
particularThe material's particular substance was not identified.
singleThe single substance that can exist in all states of matter at room temperature is water.
crystallineThe crystalline substance was shining in the light.
simpleSimple substance is an element that exists by itself.
grayThe gray substance is responsible for higher-level functions like memory, language, and decision-making.
originalThe original substance of the universe was a hot, dense soup of elementary particles.
divineThe divine substance of the universe permeated her being.
corticalNeuroglia are found in the cortical substance
softI pressed my finger into the soft substance of the marshmallow.
dryThe dry substance of the mortar was too wet.
gelatinousThe gelatinous substance jiggled and pulsed in the petri dish.
stickyThe sticky substance was difficult to remove from the countertop.
poisonousThe poisonous substance was carefully sealed in a glass container.
medullaryThe medullary substance of the adrenal gland secretes adrenaline and noradrenaline.
corporealThe corporeal substance of the ghost was made up of ectoplasm.
transparentThe microscope revealed that the cells were filled with a transparent substance
yellowThe yellow substance stained the tablecloth.
controlledThe pharmacist was caught selling controlled substances without a prescription.
amorphousThe amorphous substance could not be easily characterized.
solubleThe soluble substance dissolved quickly in the water.
homogeneousA homogeneous substance is a substance that has the same composition throughout.
unknownThe unknown substance was found to be highly reactive.
oilyThe mechanic wiped away the oily substance from the engine.
immaterialThe immaterial substance appeared before me in a dream.
latterLatter substance such as urine is a good example of a model system.
hazardousThe shipment of hazardous substance is delayed due to bad weather.
cerebralThe cerebral substance was damaged in the accident.
inertThe chemical reaction was not noticeable because the inert substance prevented it.
brownThe brown substance on the table was a mixture of cocoa powder and water.
cellularThe cellular substance of the plant is made up of cells.
greyThe grey substance of the brain is responsible for higher-level functions.
resinousThe resinous substance was used to waterproof the boat.
granularThe granular substance was poured into the container.
infiniteThe infinite substance of the universe is a mystery that has puzzled scientists for centuries.
peculiarThe peculiar substance was hidden in the back of the cabinet.
complexThe complex substance of the injured man's body puzzled the hospital staff.
essentialAmino acids are the essential substance of protein synthesis.
extendedThe extended substance of the report provided valuable insights into the company's performance.
insolubleThe insoluble substance was difficult to dissolve in water.
thickThe thick substance stuck to her shoe as she walked through the mud.
eternal"Eternal substance is that which has a perpetual and invariable existence."
nervousThe nervous substance is responsible for transmitting information throughout the body.
elasticThe rubber band was made of an elastic substance
metallicThe metallic substance gleamed in the sunlight.
liquidThe liquid substance oozed out of the container.
universalThe concept of a universal substance has been a subject of philosophical debate for centuries.
greenThe green substance was oozing out of the container.
perforatedThis perforated substance has a high absorption capacity
opaqueThe opaque substance made it impossible to see inside the box.
waxyThe petals of some flowers have a waxy substance that helps to repel water.

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