Adjectives for Suffering

Adjectives For Suffering

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing suffering, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe suffering can profoundly impact the tone and depth of your writing. Terms like human suffering evoke a universal empathy, connecting readers with the shared pains and trials of humanity. On the other hand, adjectives such as much and great highlight the intensity and magnitude of the experience. Descriptors like long suffering emphasize the duration, conveying a sense of enduring pain, while physical suffering focuses sharply on the bodily aspect. Meanwhile, patient suffering brings an element of stoicism and resilience into the narrative. Each choice shades your text with distinct emotional hues and connotations. Explore our full list of adjectives to find the perfect nuance for depicting suffering in your writing.
humanHuman suffering is often caused by the actions of other humans.
muchHe has gone through much suffering in his life.
greatThe great suffering brought upon the world was a harsh reminder of humanity's fragility.
physicalThe physical suffering he endured was a constant reminder of his past mistakes.
patientThe treatment was ineffective, causing further patient suffering
ownWe must learn from our own suffering and the suffering of others.
mentalThe mental suffering he endured was unbearable.
intenseThe survivors endured intense suffering during their ordeal.
moreThe more suffering you endure, the stronger you become.
personalThe personal suffering of others can teach us valuable lessons.
unnecessaryThe unnecessary suffering of the innocent animal was unbearable to watch.
terribleThe terrible suffering he experienced left him scarred for life.
individualThe catastrophe resulted in widespread individual suffering
realThe hurricane left a trail of real suffering in its wake.
acuteHer acute suffering was evident in her tear-stained face.
extremeThe extreme suffering caused by the war left an indelible mark on the survivors.
severeThe prisoner endured severe suffering during his time in solitary confinement.
vicariousThe vicarious suffering of the protagonist was palpable throughout the novel.
untoldThe war brought untold suffering upon the people.
presentThe present suffering is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed to us.
needlessThe needless suffering could have been avoided if only he had listened to advice.
actualDespite the actual suffering and the deaths in the pandemic, there are people who are denying its existence.
greaterThe greater suffering of the poor is often ignored.
emotionalThe intense emotional suffering left her feeling lost and broken.
greatestThe greatest suffering is not physical pain but the pain of a broken spirit.
considerableThe accident caused the victim considerable suffering
endlessThe endless suffering consumed his soul, leaving only a hollow shell.
widespreadThe consequences of the war led to widespread suffering and poverty.
deepThe victims endured deep suffering during the conflict.
undeservedThe innocent child endured undeserved suffering at the hands of the cruel adults.
silentBeneath the facade of a smile lurked a silent suffering
pastHe had experienced great past suffering
immenseThe war caused immense suffering for the civilians.
psychologicalThe consequences of the accident resulted in her severe psychological suffering
redemptiveThe redemptive suffering he endured brought him closer to his God.
spiritualThe spiritual suffering gnawed at her soul, leaving her feeling lost and directionless.
bitterThe bitter suffering left an everlasting scar on his soul.
constantLife was a constant suffering an endless cycle of pain and despair.
prolongedThe prolonged suffering he endured had taken its toll on his physical and mental health.
cruelThe cruel suffering of the war left an unhealable wound on the community.
enormousThe enormous suffering endured by the refugees left an indelible mark on their souls.
horribleThe horrible suffering brought tears to her eyes.
unmeritedHer life was full of unmerited suffering
passiveThe passive suffering of the victims was a constant reminder of the horrors of war.
consequentThe consequent suffering of the people was heart-wrenching.
unspeakableThe victims endured unspeakable suffering at the hands of their captors.
universalThe universal suffering of humanity is a testament to the fragility of our existence.
unbearableThe unbearable suffering had driven him to the brink of despair.
unjustThe innocent faced unjust suffering during the war.
voluntaryThe voluntary suffering they inflict upon themselves is a testament to their faith.
dreadfulThe dreadful suffering of the innocent was a constant reminder of the world's injustice.
tragicThe tragic suffering of the victims left an everlasting scar on the community.
worthThe pain was worth suffering through in order to achieve victory.
infiniteThe infinite suffering he endured left him a broken man.
tremendousThe tremendous suffering caused by the war left many people homeless and destitute.
continuedThe refugees continued suffering as they struggled to find basic necessities.
protractedThe protracted suffering endured by the victims was heartbreaking.
consciousThe conscious suffering of the terminally ill is a serious ethical concern.
inevitableThe inevitable suffering of existence weighs heavily on his mind.
uselessThe useless suffering had left an imprint on her soul.
worstThe worst suffering is that which one inflicts on oneself.
neuroticHis neurotic suffering was evident in his constant worry and inability to relax.
earthlyThe earthly suffering had marked her soul with a haunting sadness.
profoundThe profound suffering he endured was etched deep within his eyes.
indescribableThe survivor described the indescribable suffering he endured during the war.
painfulThe painful suffering of the victims of war is heart-wrenching.
awfulThe prisoners endured awful suffering in the concentration camp.
excessiveThe excessive suffering of the people was heartbreaking

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