Adjectives for Summary

Adjectives For Summary

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing summary, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a summary can significantly impact its perception. A brief summary offers a quick overview, while an excellent summary not only encapsulates key points but also intrigues. An English summary, tailored for language learners, may focus on clarity and simplicity. Meanwhile, a short summary aims for brevity, perfect for those in a hurry. Recognizing the summary's quality, a good summary is reliable and informative. Lastly, a useful summary serves the reader by highlighting essential information efficiently. Navigating these adjectives reveals the multifaceted nature of summaries and their objectives. Dive into the full list of adjectives below to explore the subtle nuances each brings.
briefThat was a brief summary of the meeting.
englishThe English summary is a concise overview of the main points of a text.
shortWithin seconds, you can obtain a short summary of any online document or article.
excellentThe report contained an excellent summary of the project's progress.
goodThis is a good summary of the document.
usefulThis is a useful summary of the main points of the article.
generalThe general summary of the report is that the company is doing well.
executiveThe executive summary provides a concise overview of the main findings and recommendations of the report.
conciseThe paper presents a concise summary of the latest research.
detailedThe detailed summary of the investigation will be released next week.
comprehensiveThe report provides a comprehensive summary of the team's progress.
historicalOverall, I understand this as a historical summary of a person, their life, and how or what they contributed towards.
convenientThe detailed analysis of the evolution of living organisms is a convenient summary of the history of life on Earth
completeI have made a complete summary of the book.
bestThis is the best summary
statisticalThe statistical summary of the data shows a significant increase in sales.
recentI reviewed the recent summary and found it to be informative and comprehensive.
finalThe final summary will be delivered by Friday.
succinctSuccinct summary captures the main points concisely.
aboveI have reviewed the above summary and found it to be accurate and complete.
quickThis is a quick summary of the book.
pageThe page summary provides a concise overview of the main points of the page.
annualThe annual summary report provides an overview of the company's performance over the past year.
clearThe clear summary of the book was easy to understand.
fairThe annual report provided a fair summary of the company's financial performance.
accurateThe accurate summary of the research paper is given in the abstract section.
admirableThe article provided a succinct and admirable summary of the research findings.
valuableThat was a valuable summary of the project's progress.
overallThe overall summary of the report is that the company is doing well.
criticalAn excellent critical summary analyzes the main points of an argument and provides an overview of the author's stance.
interestingThe interesting summary encapsulates the core ideas of the report.
foregoingI have read the foregoing summary and understand its contents.
schematicIt is imperative to provide a schematic summary of a lengthy document.
monthlyThe monthly summary report provides an overview of the company's performance.
tabularThe tabular summary provides a concise overview of the data.
mereThe analysis presented in this manuscript is not a mere summary of what is already known.
extensiveThe extensive summary gave a detailed overview of the report
descriptiveThe descriptive summary provides a concise overview of the main points of a document.
comparativeThe comparative summary is a concise overview of the key findings of a research study.
adequateThe paper provides an adequate summary of the current state of research in this field.
weeklyI need to finish the weekly summary for the team.
helpfulHere is a helpful summary
briefestThe briefest summary of the matter is this: the accused was found guilty.
chronologicalThe chronological summary provides a quick overview of the key events in the story.
partialThe partial summary of the research paper is that the treatment was effective.
dailyHere is your daily summary
rapidThe researcher conducted a rapid summary of the data to get a quick overview.
graphicThe graphic summary provides a visual overview of the key findings and conclusions of the research.
officialThe official summary of the book is that it is a well-written and engaging story that will appeal to a wide range of readers.
yearHere is a year summary
roughHere is a rough summary of the book.
diagrammaticThis is a diagrammatic summary
introductoryThe introductory summary was thorough and covered all the important points.
compactThe report provides a compact summary of the research findings.
biographicalThis biographical summary provides a concise overview of the individual's life and accomplishments.
lucidHe provided a lucid summary of our departmental efforts.
preliminaryThe preliminary summary was very descriptive.
dateI need a date summary for the project.
neatThat's a neat summary of the situation.
carefulThe careful summary provided a clear and concise overview of the main points.
exhaustiveAfter he gave us an exhaustive summary of the day's events, we had a much better understanding.
visualThe visual summary provides a quick overview of the main points of the article.
graphicalThe graphical summary provides an efficient overview of key findings.
bareThat is a bare summary of the situation.
thoroughAs a result of his thorough summary he was able to accurately describe all the main points of the novel.
systematicThe systematic summary provides a concise overview of the key points discussed in the text.
abstractThe abstract summary of the article provides a brief overview of the main points.
readableWrite a brief, readable summary that explains the main points.
abbreviatedThe abbreviated summary of the book is informative and concise.
niceThat was a nice summary of the main points.
authoritativeThe authoritative summary provided a comprehensive overview of the topic.
baldThe bald summary does not provide enough information to properly understand the topic.
terseIn a terse summary the essential points were succinctly conveyed.
analyticalThe analytical summary provided a concise overview of the research findings.
lengthyWe present a lengthy summary of the results from a recent study on the effects of social media on mental health.
ableThe able summary is a concise and informative overview of the main points of a text.
masterlyThe masterly summary encapsulated the complex theory with remarkable clarity.

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