Adjectives for Surveillance

Adjectives For Surveillance

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing surveillance, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Using adjectives to describe surveillance can significantly alter its perception and implications. Constant surveillance evokes a sense of never-ending watch, suggesting a loss of privacy. Electronic surveillance, on the other hand, brings to mind sophisticated technological methods of monitoring, highlighting advancements and possibly intrusiveness. Close surveillance suggests a more personal or detailed level of observation, often implying protection or suspicion. Strict surveillance conveys a sense of rigorous control, possibly for security or regulatory purposes. Lastly, terms like immune and medical surveillance introduce contexts of health and resistance, expanding the noun's application beyond security to well-being and care. Explore these nuances and more in our full list of adjectives used with surveillance.
constantThe constant surveillance from the camera made me feel uneasy.
electronicThe police used electronic surveillance to monitor the suspect's activities.
closeThe police kept a close surveillance on the suspect.
strictThe strict surveillance was necessary to ensure the safety of the building.
immuneImmune surveillance is a key part of the immune system's ability to protect the body from pathogens.
medicalThe workers are under medical surveillance for lead poisoning.
continuousThe store had continuous surveillance to deter shoplifters.
publicPublic surveillance has become increasingly prevalent in modern society.
activeThe doctor recommended active surveillance for my prostate cancer, which means monitoring it closely without immediate treatment.
carefulThe police maintained careful surveillance of the suspect's movements.
routineThe police carried out routine surveillance on the suspect's house.
fetalThe fetal surveillance allows for real-time monitoring of the baby's heart rate.
aerialThe aerial surveillance detected unusual activity in the remote area.
effectiveThe effective surveillance system proactively identified and isolated infected individuals, preventing further spread of the disease.
immunologicalImmunological surveillance constantly monitors the body for any signs of infection or cancer.
regularRegular surveillance of the area ensured the safety of the neighborhood.
epidemiologicalEpidemiological surveillance is the ongoing collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of data on health-related events.
intensiveThe store is under intensive surveillance due to recent shoplifting incidents.
militaryThe military surveillance program collected vast amounts of data on civilians.
domesticThe government plans to establish domestic surveillance on all citizens.
covertUndercover agents ran the covert surveillance and followed the suspect's every move.
visualThe store owner relied on visual surveillance to identify the thief.
videoThe apartment complex was equipped with video surveillance which helped identify the suspects.
endoscopicEndoscopic surveillance can detect and remove precancerous lesions, reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.
mutualThe arrangement was based on mutual surveillance and cooperation.
multilateralMultilateral surveillance involves a group of countries or organizations working together to monitor an issue or situation.
secretThe government's secret surveillance program has been revealed.
closerThe police decided to keep a closer surveillance on the suspect.
hourThe hour surveillance footage was clear and showed the suspect fleeing the scene.
basedThe bank utilizes based surveillance to avoid fraud.
continuedSarah continued surveillance despite the concerns of her colleagues.
ongoingWe must maintain ongoing surveillance of the enemy's movements.
directThe company implemented direct surveillance of its employees.
termThe term surveillance refers to the systematic and ongoing collection of information about individuals or groups.
marketingMarketing surveillance monitors and analyzes the competitive environment and market dynamics to provide insights for decision-making.
officialOfficial surveillance revealed that the suspect had been engaging in suspicious activities.
satelliteThe government is using satellite surveillance to monitor the activities of its citizens.
periodicThe periodic surveillance aided in identifying the patterns that lead to an efficient outcome.
strictestThe CIA maintains the strictest surveillance on its agents.
globalThe company's global surveillance network allowed it to track individuals' movements across multiple countries.
intenseThe intense surveillance by the government was met with widespread criticism.
tightThe police kept a tight surveillance on the suspect.
extensiveThe government's extensive surveillance program raised concerns among privacy advocates.
clockThe clock surveillance method is used to prevent theft and monitor employees.
postoperativeThe patient underwent postoperative surveillance for complications.
clinicalClinical surveillance is the ongoing observation of patients for changes in their health status.
adequateThe organization should establish adequate surveillance to detect any unauthorized network activity that may stem from ransomware.
properJohn's proper surveillance helped him catch the thief.
environmentalThe environmental surveillance program monitors the air, water, and soil for potential health hazards.
immunologicImmunologic surveillance refers to the body's ability to monitor and kill cells that have become cancerous or infected with pathogens.
passiveThe passive surveillance system collected data on the number of people who entered and exited the building.
illegalThe illegal surveillance program was discovered by a whistleblower.
systematicThe systematic surveillance of the population by the government was deeply concerning.
syndromicSyndromic surveillance can help public health officials quickly identify and respond to emerging threats to public health.
epidemiologicEpidemiologic surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health data to monitor and assess the distribution and trends of health events.
rigidThe rigid surveillance stifled any hope of escape.
enhancedThe company's enhanced surveillance system detected suspicious activity.
prospectiveProspective surveillance was conducted to identify cases of fetal alcohol syndrome.
closestThe private detective kept the closest surveillance on the suspect.
stricterThe government has implemented stricter surveillance measures to protect citizens from terrorism.
maritimeThe coast guard uses maritime surveillance to monitor the movement of ships and other vessels in coastal waters.
massThe government's mass surveillance program has raised serious concerns about privacy rights.
colonoscopicColonoscopic surveillance is a vital tool for the early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer.
permanentThe government's permanent surveillance of its citizens had a chilling effect on free speech.
governmentalThe recent governmental surveillance disclosures have raised concerns about privacy rights.
vigilantThe vigilant surveillance of the security cameras made it difficult for the thief to escape.
rigorousThe police maintains rigorous surveillance of the neighborhood to prevent crime.
postmarketingThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for postmarketing surveillance of pharmaceutical products.
perpetualThe government's perpetual surveillance cast a shadow over the citizens' every move.
intrusiveThe company installed intrusive surveillance cameras at the entrance to the office building.
nutritionalNutritional surveillance monitors the nutritional status of populations to identify and address nutritional deficiencies and excesses.
comprehensiveThe government's comprehensive surveillance program has sparked controversy.
counterThe counter surveillance team was tasked with monitoring the movements of the suspected terrorist.
timeThe invasive time surveillance of employers is a violation of privacy.
warrantlessThe warrantless surveillance program exposed the privacy concerns of many citizens.
frequentThe frequent surveillance of the area prevented any suspicious activity.

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