Adjectives for Survivor

Adjectives For Survivor

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing survivor, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Describing someone as a 'survivor' can evoke a range of emotions and imagery, deeply influenced by the adjectives preceding this powerful noun. Whether referred to as the 'only' survivor, highlighting exclusivity and perhaps a solemn distinction, or the 'sole' survivor, emphasizing a unique status of endurance, each adjective paints a different shade of survival. 'Last' and 'lone' bring to the narrative a sense of finality and isolation, while 'single' and 'solitary' underscore the individual's singular journey through adversity. The nuance in each term offers a glimpse into the myriad ways resilience and survival are perceived and narrated. Dive deeper into the full list of adjectives to explore the vast landscape of narratives that 'survivor' can unfold.
onlyAmidst the wreckage, he stood alone, the only survivor
soleAs the sole survivor of the tragic shipwreck, she found herself alone and adrift.
lastAs the last survivor he carried the weight of his lost comrades.
loneThe lone survivor of the shipwreck was stranded on a deserted island for months.
singleThe single survivor of the plane crash was miraculously found alive.
solitaryThe solitary survivor clung onto the floating debris, his eyes scanning the vast expanse of water for signs of rescue.
maleThe male survivor of the accident is receiving counseling.
termShe is a cancer term survivor
longestTom was the longest survivor in the shipwreck.
rareThe rare survivor clung to life with unwavering determination.
femaleThe female survivor was found after being lost for three days.
oldestDespite the passage of time, the oldest survivor remains a symbol of strength and resilience
sexualShe is a strong sexual survivor who has overcome many challenges.
yearShe was a four year survivor of breast cancer.
ultimateThe ultimate survivor emerged from the wreckage, a testament to resilience and determination.
lonelyThe lonely survivor wandered through the desolate wasteland.
wretchedThe wretched survivor stumbled through the desolate wasteland, his body and soul scarred by unspeakable horrors.
luckyThe lucky survivor recounted his harrowing experience to the rescue team.
seniorThe senior survivor of the accident was awarded a medal for his bravery.
youngestThe youngest survivor of the plane crash was only five years old.
latestThe latest survivor of the tragic accident was finally reunited with her family.
elderlyThe elderly survivor had witnessed many hardships throughout her life.
toughDespite the harsh conditions, the plant proved to be a tough survivor
eldestShe was the eldest survivor of the horrific accident.
campShe was a resilient camp survivor who endured unimaginable hardships.
uniqueThe unique survivor of the shipwreck washed ashore on a deserted island.
remarkableThe 10-year-old boy was a remarkable survivor having endured a week alone in the wilderness.
notableShe was a notable survivor of the tragic event.
occasionalThe occasional survivor can be found in the most unlikely places.
sadYears after the tragedy, she remained a sad survivor haunted by the memories of that fateful day.
fortunateThe fortunate survivor clung to life despite her grievous injuries.
hardyThe hardy survivor persevered through countless challenges.
polishShe is a polish survivor of the Holocaust.
venerableThe venerable survivor shared his wisdom and insights with his fellow veterans.
fellowThe fellow survivor shared his meager supplies with me.
agedThe aged survivor reminisced about his adventurous past.
psychiatricShe is a psychiatric survivor who has experienced trauma.
miraculousDespite all odds, the miraculous survivor defied death and lived to tell the tale.
atomicThe atomic survivor witnessed the horrors of the nuclear blast firsthand.
bereavedThe bereaved survivor struggled to come to terms with the loss of their loved one.
unhappyThe unhappy survivor recounted the tragic tale of loss and despair.
holocaustThe holocaust survivor spoke to the students about the horrors of the Nazi regime.
adultHe was an adult survivor of polio.
consummateThe team's consummate survivor had been through countless adversity but never gave up.
heroicThe heroic survivor was awarded a medal for bravery.
injuredThe injured survivor was able to provide valuable information to the authorities.
batteredThe battered survivor bravely recounted her harrowing experience, her resilience shining through her wounds.
resilientThe resilient survivor overcame countless obstacles to rebuild their life.

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