Adjectives for Symbol

Adjectives For Symbol

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing symbol, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The noun 'symbol' stands as a beacon of meaning, varied significantly by the adjectives that precede it. An 'important symbol' may be central to understanding a complex concept, while a 'powerful symbol' can evoke strong emotions or signal significant influence. 'National' and 'religious' symbols carve out identity and belief systems, anchoring communities to shared values. In contrast, a 'single symbol' might encapsulate an entire narrative or ideology in the most succinct form. The visibility of a symbol, underscored by being described as 'visible', speaks to its prevalence and recognition within a society. Each adjective opens a new dimension, transforming a simple symbol into a potent conveyer of ideas. Dive into the full spectrum of adjectives that enrich the narrative of 'symbol' below.
importantThe Statue of Liberty is an important symbol of freedom and democracy.
powerfulThe American flag is a powerful symbol of freedom and democracy.
nationalThe bald eagle is a majestic national symbol of the United States of America.
visibleThe visible symbol of our national unity is the flag.
religiousThe church is filled with beautiful religious symbols.
singleSingle symbol here: @
ancientThe ancient symbol was etched into the stone.
sacredThe dove is a sacred symbol representing peace.
centralThe statue serves as the central symbol of the city's history.
appropriateThe appropriate symbol for peace is the dove.
potentThe vivid colors were a potent symbol of the nation's unity.
veryThe very symbol of peace is a white dove.
commonThe Yin and the Yang, a common symbol of Taoism, represents the constant struggle between opposing forces.
universalThe heart is a universal symbol of love and affection.
christianThe Christian symbol of the cross is a powerful reminder of Jesus Christ's sacrifice.
traditionalThe dragon is a traditional symbol of strength and wisdom in Chinese culture.
mereThe flag was a mere symbol of the country's pride.
perfectThe Trinity is the perfect symbol of unity and diversity.
graphicThe graphic symbol commonly seen on food packaging indicates that the product is suitable for vegetarians.
ultimateThe diamond is the ultimate symbol of love and commitment.
outwardThe outward symbol of his authority was the golden scepter.
visualThe visual symbol of peace is the olive branch.
schematicThe schematic symbol for a resistor is a zigzag line.
culturalThe Union Jack is a cultural symbol of the United Kingdom.
trueThe true symbol of courage is sacrifice.
fittingThe cross was a fitting symbol of her faith.
keyThe key symbol of the city was the golden lion.
significantThe dove is a significant symbol of peace.
conventionalThe cross is a conventional symbol of Christianity.
complexThe complex symbol adorning the ancient tapestry hinted at a forgotten language.
standardThe standard symbol for hydrogen is H.
obviousThe obvious symbol of freedom is the American flag.
digitThe digit symbol is a representation of a number.
popularThe Eiffel Tower is a popular symbol of Paris.
terminalThe terminal symbol is the last symbol in the chain.
familiarThe familiar symbol was a red and white striped flag.
supremeThe eagle is the supreme symbol of America.
soundThe sound symbol of 'boom' represents a loud explosive sound.
mathematicalThe mathematical symbol for the square root is √.
concreteThe concrete symbol was a reminder of her past.
abstractThe abstract symbol represents a complex idea or concept.
aptThe heart is an apt symbol of love and compassion.
female♀️ represents the female symbol
chiefThe bald eagle is the chief symbol of the United States.
sunThe sun symbol has been used since ancient times.
dominantThe diamond was the dominant symbol of their everlasting love.
usualThe usual symbol of a married woman is a wedding ring.
convenientThe convenient symbol allowed for easy identification.
correspondingThe corresponding symbol for the element gold is Au.
verbalThe verbal symbol is a potent tool in communication.
unifyingThe flag is a unifying symbol of our nation.
egyptianThe hieroglyphics are an ancient Egyptian symbol
phoneticThis is a phonetic symbol
tangibleThe tangible symbol of our commitment is this ring.
uniqueThis is my unique symbol ~!
knownI am a known symbol
poeticThe raven was a poetic symbol of death and despair.
maleThe astrological sign for Leo is a male symbol
mysticThe mystic symbol appeared on the ancient scroll.
holyThe priest raised his holy symbol calling upon divine power.
archetypalThe serpent is an archetypal symbol of evil and temptation.

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