Adjectives for Syndrome

Adjectives For Syndrome

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing syndrome, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe 'syndrome' can significantly alter the meaning conveyed, highlighting various aspects of medical conditions. For example, 'nephrotic syndrome' emphasizes a kidney disorder, while 'chronic syndrome' suggests an ongoing, persistent issue. 'Acute syndrome' implies a sudden onset with severe implications. Terms like 'clinical syndrome' point to a collection of symptoms for diagnosis, whereas 'irritable syndrome' might refer to digestive system issues, such as IBS. 'Respiratory syndrome' focuses on illnesses affecting the lungs and breathing. Each adjective unveils a layer of complexity, inviting readers into the diverse world of medical descriptions and their impacts. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives paired with 'syndrome' and their nuances below.
nephroticThe patient presented with nephrotic syndrome characterized by edema, proteinuria, and hypoalbuminemia.
chronicThe patient suffers from a chronic syndrome that causes debilitating fatigue.
acuteThe patient exhibited an acute syndrome characterized by fever, rash, and joint pain.
clinicalThis clinical syndrome was described by Dupré group in 1994.
irritableShe was diagnosed with irritable syndrome at the age of 20.
respiratoryThe man was diagnosed with severe acute respiratory syndrome
immuneAlthough it has not yet been exhaustively investigated, check point inhibition but not stimulation may be an option for the treatment of autoimmune syndromes
premenstrualThe doctor said that her premenstrual syndrome could be treated with medication.
fetalThe most common cause of Down syndrome is a chromosomal issue called non-disjunction which occurs before conception, resulting in extra chromosomes and is not inherited; most cases of Down syndrome are not due to an inherited fetal syndrome or genetic disorder.
barreBarre syndrome also known as Guillain-Barre syndrome, is an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own nervous system.
polycysticPolycystic syndrome is a common hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age.
suddenThe sudden syndrome struck the town without warning.
acquiredThe patient has acquired syndrome
uremicThe uremic syndrome is a group of symptoms that can occur in people with kidney failure.
organicThe patient's organic syndrome was caused by a severe head injury.
toxicThe toxic syndrome caused by Staphylococcus aureus is a serious illness.
whiteWhite syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the skin and hair.
fragileA child with fragile syndrome may have physical as well as developmental problems.
malignantThe patient developed a malignant syndrome after taking the medication.
congenitalThe congenital syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects many parts of the body.
carpalI've been experiencing carpal syndrome in my wrists lately.
sickThe sick syndrome has been a problem for many people in the community.
batteredBattered syndrome is thought to have two stages - the acute battering stage and the tranquil stage.
thoracicThoracic syndrome is a condition that affects the nerves and blood vessels in the chest.
restlessI suffer from restless syndrome which makes it difficult to get a good night's sleep.
hemolyticThe patient presented with hemolytic syndrome characterized by anemia, reticulocytosis, and elevated serum bilirubin.
ovarianI have been diagnosed with ovarian syndrome
hepatorenalHis renal function was such that he had hepatorenal syndrome
idiopathicThe patient was diagnosed with an idiopathic syndrome
myasthenicHis symptoms were consistent with myasthenic syndrome so we ran the appropriate tests.
superiorThe patient was diagnosed with superior syndrome due to the impingement of the subclavian artery by a cervical rib.
leftThe patient presented with left syndrome characterized by paralysis and sensory loss on the left side of the body.
adultThe adult syndrome is a condition that affects adults.
familialThis familial syndrome is characterized by a triad of symptoms, including intellectual disability, seizures, and autistic features.
hypoplasticThe patient was diagnosed with hypoplastic syndrome a rare genetic condition.
myelodysplasticMyelodysplastic syndrome is a group of conditions that affect the blood and bone marrow.
rareThe rare syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects only 1 in 100,000 people.
obstructiveMedical intervention was necessary to resolve the obstructive syndrome
nyhanNyhan syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the metabolism of purines and causes gout-like symptoms.
antiphospholipidAntiphospholipid syndrome is a condition in which the immune system produces antibodies that attack the body's own tissues.
depressiveThe patient presented with the depressive syndrome which is characterized by a persistent depressed mood and a loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyable.
renalRenal syndrome is a group of disorders that affect the kidney's ability to function properly.
complexThe patient's complex syndrome is difficult to diagnose.
myofascialMyofascial syndrome is a chronic pain condition that affects the muscles and connective tissues.
gastautGastaut syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes seizures and developmental disabilities.
traumaticThe soldier's traumatic syndrome was triggered by the sudden noise.
neonatalThe neonatal syndrome is a rare condition that affects newborns.
coronaryThe patient experienced chest pain suggestive of an acute coronary syndrome
digeorgeDiGeorge syndrome is a genetic disorder which occurs due to the loss of a small piece of chromosome 22.
inducedInduced syndrome due to acute fentanyl intoxication was characterized by an initial hypotensive phase, followed by a second phase of mild hypertension.
amnesicThe doctor diagnosed her with an amnesic syndrome
straussThe doctor tested the patient for strauss syndrome but the test came back negative.
inflammatoryThe inflammatory syndrome is a rare but serious condition that can affect children and young adults.
systemicThe systemic syndrome has been associated with a number of different conditions.
typicalThe study results indicated that the individual exhibited symptoms typical syndrome of the disorder.}
infantAs an infant syndrome Niemann-Pick disease not only influences fetal development but also impacts the early life of the child.
twinSally was found guilty of twin syndrome because she was always hiding her true identity.
lateralThe patient presented with a lateral syndrome involving the right leg.
urethralUrethral syndrome is a condition that causes pain and burning during urination.
autosomalAutosomal syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the chromosomes.
metabolicMetabolic syndrome is characterized by dysglycemia, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, and low levels of HDL cholesterol.
hyperkineticThe child's hyperkinetic syndrome made it difficult for him to focus in school.
emptyThe doctor diagnosed her with 'empty syndrome', a condition characterized by a feeling of emptiness and purposelessness.
biedlThe patient is showing signs of Bardet-Biedl syndrome.
anteriorAnterior syndrome is a condition characterized by weakness and numbness in the legs and feet.
sezaryDoctors were able to correctly diagnose and treat Sezary syndrome after carrying out a complete blood count and DNA sequencing.
linkedThe patient presented with symptoms linked syndrome
classicThe classic syndrome of sudden cardiac death is often the first presentation of the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
ectopicThe patient was admitted to the hospital with an ectopic syndrome
paraneoplasticThe patient developed a paraneoplastic syndrome characterized by proximal muscle weakness and fatigue.
uraemicUraemic syndrome is a condition that occurs when the kidneys are unable to filter waste products from the blood.
characteristicWhile not fully understood, Marfan syndrome is a characteristic syndrome of connective tissue disorders.
parkinsonianParkinsonian syndrome is a group of disorders that affect movement, balance, and coordination.
hereditaryThe genetic counsellor explained that the hereditary syndrome ran in her family.
jointCommon joint syndrome includes rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout and lupus.
fatI'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by "fat syndrome".
regionalThe patient's symptoms were consistent with regional syndrome
distinctThe patient was diagnosed with a distinct syndrome that had never been seen before.
tarsalEven if tarsal syndrome is a disability, the patient can still go to school.

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