Adjectives for Tab

Adjectives For Tab

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing tab, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the spectrum of adjectives used with the word 'tab' can reveal intriguing nuances and applications. A 'new tab' might open up a world of possibilities, while a 'first tab' denotes a place of prominence or a starting point. The 'format tab' introduces us to the customization and structuring possibilities, whereas a 'small tab' might refer to a minor, manageable aspect or feature. When we 'create tab', it can signify the initiation of something innovative or customized. Lastly, a 'second tab' could imply a sequence, offering a continuity or an alternative. Each adjective, when paired with 'tab', unlocks a unique perspective or functionality, setting the stage for a diverse exploration. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that bring 'tab' to life below.
newOpen a new tab by clicking on the "+" icon in the top right corner of the screen.
firstClick on the first tab to see your recent activity.
formatThe reformatting options are found in the 'format tab' of the ribbon.
smallShe closed the small tab and opened a new one.
secondClick the second tab to see more information.
outlineYou can also save this document as an outline by clicking the save as outline tab
shiftThe 'Shift Tab' key combination can be used to navigate backwards through form fields.
contentClick on the content tab to add your content
appropriatePlease select the appropriate tab and enter your information accordingly.
nextClick on the next tab to see the results.
lastClose the last tab and open a new one.
historyI reviewed the email in the history tab
crossCross tab can be used to analyze the relationship between two categorical variables.
verticalThe vertical tab key is used to move the cursor to the next tab stop.
redShe pulled the red tab to open the can.
additionalI opened an additional tab in my browser to research the topic further.
currentPlease switch to the current tab
finalPlease settle your final tab before you leave.
horizontalThe horizontal tab key moves the cursor horizontally to the next tab stop.
rightClick on the right tab to see more options.
activePlease click on the active tab to view more information.
thirdClick on the third tab to see the results.
singlePlease use a single tab to indent your code.
threeThe roofer installed three tab shingles on the house.
trimThe trim tab of the airplane was adjusted to correct its flight path.
blueThe file with the blue tab is the most important.
separatePlease put each item in a separate tab
contextualRight-click on the header of the contextual tab and select 'Customize the Ribbon'.
libraryI found the book I was looking for on the library tab
summaryThe last three tabs in a spreadsheet are the summary tab the pivot table tab, and the pivot chart tab.
plasticMy child can't get the plastic tab out of his toy.
gradientThe gradient tab is a useful tool for selecting colors.
publishClick the Publish tab to make your document public.
numberedClick numbered tab at the bottom of the page to view next step.
autotextYou can create an autotext tab by clicking on the 'Insert' menu and selecting 'AutoText'.
yellow"Hey," he said. "Can you hand me that file with the yellow tab? That one right there."
scholasticThe students engaged in a robust debate on the topic, their scholastic tab brimming with evidence.
mailCheck your mail tab for the rest of the information.
correspondingOpen the "corresponding tab" for more details.
displayI opened the display tab on my computer.
frontThe front tab was used to hold small papers in place.
fourthClick the fourth tab to check the third task.
globalShe is a member of a global tab
decimalUse decimal tabs to line up the columns of a table.
coloredThe colored tab was easy to find
topThe top tab was selected.
greenOpen the green tab on the back of the device.
dollarThe team's low-level play calls are listed on the large laminated dollar tab
wingI like to use the wing tab on my favorite website.
testClick the test tab to begin your assessment.
componentClick on the component tab then click on the "Convert" button.
subThe sub tab is located in the top right corner of the page.
compileThe compile tab is useful for checking the syntax of your code.

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