Adjectives for Taxation

Adjectives For Taxation

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing taxation, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe taxation can drastically shape the narrative around fiscal policies and their impact on society. For instance, direct taxation suggests a straightforward approach, where taxes are collected from the individual's income or wealth. Double taxation, a term often met with frustration, highlights the financial burden of being taxed twice on the same source of income. Local taxation emphasizes the community aspect, indicating taxes imposed by local jurisdictions. The term indirect taxation sheds light on taxes collected from goods and services, subtly passed on to consumers. Heavy taxation conveys a sense of overwhelming financial pressure on taxpayers, while progressive taxation suggests a system aimed at reducing inequality. Each adjective unlocks a unique perspective on taxation, building a richer understanding of its implications. For a deeper dive into the varied landscape of taxation, explore the full list of adjectives below.
directDirect taxation is levied directly on an individual's income or wealth.
doubleThe multinational company was subject to double taxation meaning it was taxed on the same income in two different countries.
localLocal taxation is a major source of revenue for many municipalities and counties.
indirectIndirect taxation is a form of taxation that is levied on the consumption of goods and services.
heavyThe government's heavy taxation caused widespread economic hardship.
progressiveProgressive taxation is a system where individuals pay taxes based on their income, with those earning more paying a larger proportion of their income in taxes.
generalGeneral taxation is a system of imposing levies on a person or property to fund government spending.
federalFederal taxation is the process of collecting taxes by the US government.
highThe government's high taxation policies have led to widespread economic hardship.
excessiveThe excessive taxation led to widespread poverty and unrest among the populace.
additionalThe additional taxation caused a significant financial burden on businesses.
corporateCorporate taxation is a complex issue with many different perspectives.
internalThe Constitution gives the federal government the power to levy internal taxation
personalPersonal taxation is levied on the income and capital gains of individuals.
parliamentaryA number of nations gave the king authority for parliamentary taxation and representation.
higherThe government is considering higher taxation to fund the national healthcare system.
specialThe government implemented special taxation on imported goods.
nationalThe national taxation revenue is expected to increase by 5% in the next fiscal year.
municipalThe municipal taxation rate in this town is 1.5%.
oppressiveThe oppressive taxation imposed by the tyrannical regime sparked widespread discontent among the populace.
arbitraryThe arbitrary taxation imposed by the government was met with widespread protests.
internationalInternational taxation is a complex area of law that can be difficult to navigate.
heavierThe proposed budget includes heavier taxation on corporations.
unjustThe citizens were outraged by the unjust taxation levied upon them.
equalAll citizens should be subject to equal taxation regardless of their income or status.
agriculturalAgricultural taxation is a form of taxation that is levied on agricultural products or land.
multipleMultiple taxation is a form of taxation in which the same income or asset is taxed multiple times.
proportionalProportional taxation requires taxpayers with higher incomes to pay proportionally higher taxes.
differentialDifferential taxation is a type of taxation in which different rates of tax are applied to different types of goods or services.
freshThe government has announced fresh taxation on imported goods.
extraThe government has decided to introduce extra taxation on tobacco products.
redistributiveRedistributive taxation aims to reduce income inequality by transferring wealth from the wealthy to the poor.
regularThe company reported regular taxation of over \$10 million last year.
overThe government's over taxation is a burden to the people.
colonialColonial taxation was a major cause of the American Revolution.
imperialThe imperial taxation was a burden on the people.
equitableThe government's commitment to equitable taxation ensures that all citizens contribute fairly to public revenue.
uniformUniform taxation ensures that individuals and businesses pay the same percentage of their income in taxes, regardless of their financial situation or location.
compulsoryCompulsory taxation is a requirement by government to collect taxes from individuals and businesses.
regressiveRegressive taxation disproportionately burdens low-income individuals.
illegalThe government's new policy of illegal taxation has caused widespread outrage.
exciseThe government's excise taxation on goods like cigarettes and alcohol is meant to discourage their consumption.
royalThe royal taxation was a heavy burden on the common people.
papalThe papal taxation was a major source of income for the Catholic Church.
unequalThe unequal taxation system placed a disproportionate financial burden on certain segments of society.
burdensomeBurdensome taxation has led to widespread poverty and economic inequality.
extraordinaryThe government announced its decision to increase the extraordinary taxation on the wealthy.
confiscatoryConfiscatory taxation can have detrimental social impacts on individuals.
environmentalEnvironmental taxation is a policy tool used to reduce pollution and protect the environment.
unfairThe unfair taxation system burdens the working class.
provincialProvincial taxation involves collecting revenue within a particular province.
valueThe city council voted to increase the value taxation rate by 2%.
unnecessaryUnnecessary taxation can stifle economic growth and harm businesses.
fairProgressive taxation aims to achieve fair taxation by placing a greater tax burden on those who can afford it.
implicitImplicit taxation takes the form of higher prices that consumers pay for goods and services.
punitiveThe punitive taxation of a product can be counterproductive to revenue generation.
romanThe Roman taxation system was a complex and ever-evolving system of taxes and tributes.
deferredDeferred taxation refers to the timing difference between the recognition of an expense or income for tax purposes and financial reporting purposes.
exorbitantThe exorbitant taxation imposed by the government has crippled businesses and stifled economic growth.
enormousThe enormous taxation caused widespread poverty and unrest.
excessThe government's excess taxation has led to a decrease in personal income and business investment.
voluntaryCitizens withdrew their support for the voluntary taxation scheme
distortionaryDistortionary taxation can lead to inefficient resource allocation in the economy.

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