Updated on March 16, 2024
direct | Direct taxation is levied directly on an individual's income or wealth. |
double | The multinational company was subject to double taxation meaning it was taxed on the same income in two different countries. |
local | Local taxation is a major source of revenue for many municipalities and counties. |
indirect | Indirect taxation is a form of taxation that is levied on the consumption of goods and services. |
heavy | The government's heavy taxation caused widespread economic hardship. |
progressive | Progressive taxation is a system where individuals pay taxes based on their income, with those earning more paying a larger proportion of their income in taxes. |
general | General taxation is a system of imposing levies on a person or property to fund government spending. |
federal | Federal taxation is the process of collecting taxes by the US government. |
high | The government's high taxation policies have led to widespread economic hardship. |
excessive | The excessive taxation led to widespread poverty and unrest among the populace. |
additional | The additional taxation caused a significant financial burden on businesses. |
corporate | Corporate taxation is a complex issue with many different perspectives. |
internal | The Constitution gives the federal government the power to levy internal taxation |
personal | Personal taxation is levied on the income and capital gains of individuals. |
parliamentary | A number of nations gave the king authority for parliamentary taxation and representation. |
higher | The government is considering higher taxation to fund the national healthcare system. |
special | The government implemented special taxation on imported goods. |
national | The national taxation revenue is expected to increase by 5% in the next fiscal year. |
municipal | The municipal taxation rate in this town is 1.5%. |
oppressive | The oppressive taxation imposed by the tyrannical regime sparked widespread discontent among the populace. |
arbitrary | The arbitrary taxation imposed by the government was met with widespread protests. |
optimal | |
international | International taxation is a complex area of law that can be difficult to navigate. |
heavier | The proposed budget includes heavier taxation on corporations. |
unjust | The citizens were outraged by the unjust taxation levied upon them. |
equal | All citizens should be subject to equal taxation regardless of their income or status. |
agricultural | Agricultural taxation is a form of taxation that is levied on agricultural products or land. |
multiple | Multiple taxation is a form of taxation in which the same income or asset is taxed multiple times. |
proportional | Proportional taxation requires taxpayers with higher incomes to pay proportionally higher taxes. |
differential | Differential taxation is a type of taxation in which different rates of tax are applied to different types of goods or services. |
fresh | The government has announced fresh taxation on imported goods. |
extra | The government has decided to introduce extra taxation on tobacco products. |
discriminatory | |
redistributive | Redistributive taxation aims to reduce income inequality by transferring wealth from the wealthy to the poor. |
regular | The company reported regular taxation of over \$10 million last year. |
over | The government's over taxation is a burden to the people. |
colonial | Colonial taxation was a major cause of the American Revolution. |
imperial | The imperial taxation was a burden on the people. |
equitable | The government's commitment to equitable taxation ensures that all citizens contribute fairly to public revenue. |
uniform | Uniform taxation ensures that individuals and businesses pay the same percentage of their income in taxes, regardless of their financial situation or location. |
compulsory | Compulsory taxation is a requirement by government to collect taxes from individuals and businesses. |
regressive | Regressive taxation disproportionately burdens low-income individuals. |
illegal | The government's new policy of illegal taxation has caused widespread outrage. |
excise | The government's excise taxation on goods like cigarettes and alcohol is meant to discourage their consumption. |
royal | The royal taxation was a heavy burden on the common people. |
papal | The papal taxation was a major source of income for the Catholic Church. |
unequal | The unequal taxation system placed a disproportionate financial burden on certain segments of society. |
burdensome | Burdensome taxation has led to widespread poverty and economic inequality. |
extraordinary | The government announced its decision to increase the extraordinary taxation on the wealthy. |
confiscatory | Confiscatory taxation can have detrimental social impacts on individuals. |
environmental | Environmental taxation is a policy tool used to reduce pollution and protect the environment. |
unfair | The unfair taxation system burdens the working class. |
provincial | Provincial taxation involves collecting revenue within a particular province. |
value | The city council voted to increase the value taxation rate by 2%. |
unnecessary | Unnecessary taxation can stifle economic growth and harm businesses. |
based | |
fair | Progressive taxation aims to achieve fair taxation by placing a greater tax burden on those who can afford it. |
implicit | Implicit taxation takes the form of higher prices that consumers pay for goods and services. |
punitive | The punitive taxation of a product can be counterproductive to revenue generation. |
roman | The Roman taxation system was a complex and ever-evolving system of taxes and tributes. |
deferred | Deferred taxation refers to the timing difference between the recognition of an expense or income for tax purposes and financial reporting purposes. |
exorbitant | The exorbitant taxation imposed by the government has crippled businesses and stifled economic growth. |
enormous | The enormous taxation caused widespread poverty and unrest. |
excess | The government's excess taxation has led to a decrease in personal income and business investment. |
voluntary | Citizens withdrew their support for the voluntary taxation scheme |
distortionary | Distortionary taxation can lead to inefficient resource allocation in the economy. |
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