Adjectives for Threshold

Adjectives For Threshold

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing threshold, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a 'threshold' can vividly alter the perception of its significance or difficulty. A 'low threshold' suggests an easily attainable standard, welcoming to novices, while a 'high threshold' implies a challenging barrier that requires significant effort to cross. The term 'very threshold' magnifies the importance or difficulty, making it more intense and immediate. On the other hand, a 'lower threshold' indicates a reduction in difficulty or requirement, making a task more accessible. Conversely, 'absolute threshold' refers to a fixed, non-negotiable point of reference, emphasizing its definitiveness. Each adjective offers a nuanced insight into the context or requirements associated with the threshold, subtly altering its interpretation. For a comprehensive insight into how adjectives transform the meaning of 'threshold,' view the full list below.
veryShe stood on the very threshold of a new beginning.
certainThe rain did not exceed a certain threshold
highThe high threshold for entry into the club made it difficult for many to join.
absoluteThe psychology researchers use the term 'absolute threshold' to mean the minimum stimulation which a person can detect 50 percent of the time.
renalIf the concentration of glucose in the blood exceeds the renal threshold glucose will be excreted in the urine.
criticalWe need to ascertain whether we've reached the critical threshold
higherThe higher threshold for income tax will benefit many families.
minimumThe minimum threshold for the test score has not yet been set.
aboveThe company's earnings were above threshold
anaerobicAs his anaerobic threshold approached, he slowed his pace.
nearHe found the exit just near threshold
sensoryThe sensory threshold is the minimum intensity of a stimulus that can be detected by a sensory receptor.
normalThe signal was below the normal threshold
upperThe upper threshold for the test was set at 90% accuracy.
lowestThe lowest threshold for a mortgage is typically 3%.
subThe signal was sub threshold so we could not detect it.
visualThe visual threshold is the minimum amount of light that can be detected by the human eye.
differentialThe differential threshold for brightness is about 1%.
auditoryThe auditory threshold is the minimum sound intensity that can be detected by the ear.
averageThe average threshold for hearing is 120 decibels.
currentThe current threshold is too high for the device to operate efficiently.
predefinedThe score must reach a predefined threshold to win the prize.
minimalThe minister announced several relaxations in the lockdown with minimal threshold and only essential services were given due importance.
convulsiveThe researcher wants to find out how the convulsive threshold of the animals changes with different medications
predeterminedThe predetermined threshold was exceeded by a significant margin.
meanThe mean threshold depends on the application and the stability requirement.
appropriateThe appropriate threshold for the test is 0.05.
effectiveThe effective threshold for the stock market index is 10,000 points.
pointOur point threshold for the program was 80% accuracy.
presetThe preset threshold for the parameter is 0.5.
maximumWe reached the maximum threshold for this month.
belowThe signal was below threshold so it was not detected.
optimalThe optimal threshold for this model is .97.
perceptualA signal that is lower than the perceptual threshold cannot be detected by the sensory system.
elevatedThe elevated threshold of the new building made it difficult for the elderly to enter.
definedThe accumulation criterion is based on a defined threshold
electricalNeurons will reach their electrical threshold when depolarization reaches a critical level.
lasing"Above the lasing threshold value, the reflectivity is greater than the loss."
mechanicalThe stimulus that would be necessary to activate a receptor is known as mechanical threshold
sacredThe sacred threshold of the temple was adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes from mythology.
variableThe synthetic promoter contains a variable threshold for activation.
supraThis is a sentence with a supra threshold
arbitraryThe researcher used an arbitrary threshold of 0.5 to determine the significance of the difference.
acceptableThe acceptable threshold for noise levels in the office is 50 decibels.
sharpThe laser beam's sharp threshold allowed for precise cutting.
apparentThe researcher found that the apparent threshold for this test was 100 decibels.
painHer high pain threshold allowed her to endure hours of surgery without succumbing to agony.
diagnosticAfter the patient hit the diagnostic threshold they were scheduled for further testing.
photoelectricThe photoelectric threshold is the minimum frequency of light that can cause the emission of electrons from a metal surface.
electoralVarious democratic systems employ an electoral threshold to prevent small parties from gaining representation.
nonThe optical absorption and non threshold laser operation of a laser diode are investigated.
olfactoryThe olfactory threshold for this particular scent was incredibly low.
adaptiveThe adaptive threshold technique is used in image processing to automatically determine the threshold value for image binarization.
subjectiveThe subjective threshold is the lowest level of a stimulus that can be detected.
osmoticThe osmotic threshold of a cell is the concentration of a solution at which water neither enters nor leaves the cell.
ischemicThe ischemic threshold is the lowest oxygen concentration at which brain tissue can remain viable.
physiologicalThe physiological threshold which represents the point at which stimuli become palpable, is often used to measure pain sensitivity.
globalThe global threshold for the test is 80%.
behavioralThe behavioral threshold for this animal is very high, meaning it will not react to stimuli until they are very strong.
correspondingThe corresponding threshold for the specified parameter was detected.
acousticThe acoustic threshold is the minimum sound level that can be perceived by the human ear.
toxicThe toxic threshold of the chemical is 10 parts per million.
apneicOur aim was to evaluate the possible relationship between apneic threshold and maximal sleep apnoea severity in non-obese patients with OSA.
fixedThe fixed threshold was set to 100.
opticalThe optical threshold was reached at a specific light intensity.
maskedThe masked threshold is the minimum intensity of a stimulus that can be detected in the presence of another stimulus.
safeThe dosage is below the safe threshold

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