Adjectives for Transcription

Adjectives For Transcription

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing transcription, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The noun 'transcription' comes alive with the adjectives used to describe its various forms and purposes. Whether it's 'phonetic' transcription, capturing the precise sounds of speech, or 'reverse' transcription, crucial in molecular biology, each adjective unveils a unique aspect and application. The 'phonemic' approach focuses on the sound units of language, while 'dependent' transcription denotes a reliance on another source. 'Specific' and 'mediated' transcriptions further hint at the intentionality and process behind transcription tasks. Each adjective adds a layer of meaning, showing how specialized and nuanced the world of transcription can be. Explore the full gamut of adjectives to discover the rich complexity they bring to the term 'transcription'.
reverseReverse transcription is the process of making DNA from RNA.
dependentThe heat shock transcription factor 1 is a key regulator of the dependent transcription of heat shock proteins.
specificThe specific transcription of the gene involves RNA polymerase binding to the promoter region.
mediatedTranscription factors are proteins that bind to DNA and regulate the expression of genes by facilitating mediated transcription
accurateThis is an accurate transcription
literalThe literal transcription of the recording is available upon request.
earlyEarly transcription is facilitated by the marked domains of initiation, termination, polyadenylation and splicing signals in the pre-mRNA.
directThe interviewer conducts a direct transcription of the interview's audio recording.
completeThe biologist is executing the complete transcription of the double helix.
inducedInduced transcription is a process in which a specific gene is activated by an external signal.
lateThe late transcription of the interview was submitted a week ago.
broadScientists are using broad transcription to study the genes of ancient organisms.
exactThe exact transcription of the speech is now available.
fullThis is a sentence with full transcription
medicalMedical transcription is the process of converting audio recordings of medical dictation into written text.
narrowThe police provided a narrow transcription of the call.
efficientThe gene's efficient transcription was key to the cell's survival.
geneticGenetic transcription is the first step in gene expression.
eukaryoticEukaryotic transcription is a complex process that involves numerous steps.
nuclearNuclear transcription is the process of copying a gene's DNA sequence into an RNA molecule.
activeThe active transcription of the new gene was found in the cell.
basalBasal transcription is the minimal level of gene expression that occurs in the absence of external stimuli.
faithfulGene mutations can lead to changes in the faithful transcription of genes
mereMere transcription of lines never made a good piece of music.
originalThis is an original transcription
chineseThe Chinese transcription of the word 'dog' is 'gǒu'.
musicalThe musical transcription of the song was accurate and easy to follow.
regulatedThe regulated transcription of specific genes is central to cellular differentiation.
verbatimThe verbatim transcription was accurate and detailed.
simpleI'm a simple transcription
activatedThe activated transcription factors bind to the promoter region of the gene and initiate transcription.
electricalThe record was made using the electrical transcription method.
subsequentThe subsequent transcription was completed with high accuracy.
differentialDifferential transcription is the process by which different parts of a genome are transcribed into RNA molecules.
fosFos transcription is regulated by various signaling pathways.
enhancedThe AI's enhanced transcription accurately captured every word of the speech.
greekThe Greek transcription of the word "apple" is "μήλον".
detailedThe detailed transcription of the conversation was provided to the participants.
selectiveSelective transcription is a process by which certain genes are transcribed into RNA, while others are not.
viralScientists analyzed viral transcription data to understand the molecular mechanisms of virus-host interactions.
orchestral"The orchestral transcription of the song was met with critical acclaim."
stimulatingScientists discovered a novel method for stimulating transcription
ribosomalThe ribosome cannot begin protein synthesis without ribosomal transcription
manualI've been working on manual transcription for the past few weeks.
initialThe initial transcription of the interview is now complete.
carefulThe careful transcription of the manuscript allowed scholars to access its contents.
inducibleThe inducible transcription system provides a mechanism for controlling the expression of the inserted gene.
automaticThe automatic transcription was made possible by AI technology.
latinThe Latin transcription of this sentence is transcribed in the Latin alphabet.
typedI've attached the typed transcription for your reference.
cellularCellular transcription is the process by which genetic information is copied from DNA into RNA.
mycMYC transcription is regulated by a variety of factors, including growth factors, hormones, and cellular stress.
diplomaticIt is considered reliable and effective for diplomatic transcription
faultyThere are 10 faulty transcriptions on the table.
constitutiveConstitutive transcription is the process of making messenger RNA from a gene all the time.
mitochondrialMitochondrial transcription provides energy for the cell.
writtenThe written transcription of the interview was provided to the participants.
zygoticZygotic transcription is the transcription of the genome that occurs in the zygote.
rapidRapid transcription enabled the researchers to quickly and accurately analyze the large amount of data collected.
directedThe researchers utilized directed transcription to control the sequence and pattern of functional molecules on the surface of a material or device.
thyroidDisorders of thyroid transcription can result in thyroid hormone deficiency.
hieroglyphicThe hieroglyphic transcription of this text is not yet available.
leftwardPeople from many cultures read from left to right, but ancient Egyptians used leftward transcription
levelOur objective is to provide a level transcription of the message.
mechanicalThe mechanical transcription made it easier to understand the audio recording.
unpublishedThe researcher included the unpublished transcription of the interview in the appendix.
prosodicSome lexicons contain prosodic transcription

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