Adjectives for Transport

Adjectives For Transport

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing transport, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe transport can significantly alter the perception of the noun, offering a nuanced understanding of its context. For instance, public transport conveys notions of accessibility and community, while active transport evokes imagery of movement and energy. The term axonal transport introduces a biological layer, detailing the process within neurons. Retrograde transport, on the other hand, describes movement in the opposite direction, offering a sense of reversal. Net and intracellular transport dive into the specifics of transfer methods and locations. Each adjective unveils a different dimension of transport, enriching our comprehension. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives aligned with transport below, each illuminating unique facets of its identity.
publicI often use public transport to get to work.
activeThe active transport system moves substances against their concentration gradient.
axonalThe anterograde axonal transport of vesicles containing neurotransmitters is essential for synaptic transmission.
retrogradeThe researchers used retrograde transport of tetanus toxin to label neurons that send projections to the spinal cord.
netThe net transport of water across the cell membrane is from the region of low water potential to the region of high water potential.
intracellularIntracellular transport is the movement of molecules within a cell.
intestinalIntestinal transport relies on multiple mechanisms, including passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport.
rapidThe rapid transport system is the fastest way to get around the city.
urbanCongestion is a major problem for urban transport especially during rush hour.
internationalInternational transport is vital for global trade and economic development.
mediatedMediated transport is a type of passive transport that requires the assistance of a carrier protein.
privatePrivate transport is a mode of transportation where vehicles are used for personal travel.
passiveWater molecules moved across the cell membrane by passive transport
dependentThe dependent transport system is used to transport glucose across the cell membrane.
militaryThe military transport aircraft landed at the airport.
renalThe renal transport of glucose is mediated by the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2).
mechanicalThe mechanical transport of goods has become increasingly efficient over the past few decades.
distanceThe distance transport of electrons along the thylakoid membrane is mediated by a series of electron carriers.
convectiveConvective transport is the upward movement of heat and mass due to density differences.
verticalThe cable car was used for vertical transport in the mountainous terrain.
maritimeMaritime transport is a vital part of the global economy.
cheapI'm looking for some cheap transport to the airport.
freeI'm glad we have free transport in our city.
axoplasmicAxoplasmic transport is a mechanism of active transport that moves materials within axons.
tubularThe drug was removed from the bloodstream through tubular transport in the kidney.
rangeThe range transport vehicle was able to cover long distances over rough terrain.
massThe mass transport system in the city is very efficient.
internalInternal transport supports fast transfer of packages.
supersonicThe first supersonic transport the Concorde, entered service in 1976.
efficientThe efficient transport of goods is essential for economic growth.
diffusiveThe movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is called diffusive transport
commercialThe commercial transport of goods is a major part of the global economy.
atmosphericAtmospheric transport is the movement of pollutants and other substances by winds and air currents.
vesicularVesicular transport involves the movement of molecules within membrane-bound vesicles.
longshoreThe longshore transport rapidly diminished the shoreline.
turbulentThe turbulent transport of air between the cabin and the atmosphere caused pressure changes.
safeThe team ensured safe transport of the fragile equipment.
transepithelialThe transepithelial transport of sodium ions was measured in vitro.
slowSlow transport can be frustrating, but it is often more environmentally friendly.
easyThe easy transport of goods allows us to global trade.
mucociliaryMucociliary transport is a process that helps to clear mucus and foreign particles from the respiratory tract.
wheeledWheeled transport was used throughout the ancient world.
horizontalThe horizontal transport of materials was carried out by means of a conveyor belt.
selectivePlants use selective transport to allow their vascular system to move nutrients throughout the plant.
adequateThe company did not have adequate transport to move the goods.
molecularThe passive molecular transport of water across the membrane is termed osmosis.
photosyntheticPhotosynthetic transport is a process by which plants absorb light energy from the sun and use it to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose.
nuclearThe nuclear transport of proteins is essential for cellular function.
lateralThe lateral transport of molecules across the membrane is essential for cell function.
fastThe fast transport was used to move the troops to the front lines quickly.
defectiveThe defective transport led to a delay in the delivery schedule.
secondaryThe secondary transport of electrons across the plasma membrane is mediated by electron carriers.
advectiveThe concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is spatially variable, primarily due to advective transport by tides.
placentalThe purpose of placental transport is to exchange nutrients, waste products, and gases between the mother and the fetus.
marineMarine transport is a vital part of the global economy.
oxygenHemoglobin is responsible for the oxygen transport in the blood.
reverseThe reverse transport system is used to move materials from the Golgi apparatus to the endoplasmic reticulum.
parallelParallel transport is the transport of a vector around a closed loop in a curved manifold.
subsequentThe subsequent transport of the goods was delayed due to inclement weather.
ruralRural transport in the region is lacking, making it difficult for residents to access services.
contaminantA conservative approach is taken with respect to contaminant transport during the unsaturated phase.
transcellularTranscellular transport involves the movement of substances across the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm of a cell.
ionicThe ionic transport is crucial for life.
mitochondrialMitochondrial transport is a key process in maintaining cellular health.
motorizedThe motorized transport was crucial for the expedition's success.
electronicThe electronic transport properties of graphene have been studied extensively.
cellularCellular transport is the movement of materials into and out of cells and between different compartments within cells.
reliableThe company provides reliable transport services.
epithelialThe study of epithelial transport is essential for understanding the function of various organs and tissues in the body.
inadequateThe inadequate transport system made it difficult to get around the city.
organicThe organic transport of nutrients is essential for plant growth.
polarThe plant utilizes polar transport to distribute auxin throughout the body.

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