Adjectives for Vessels

Adjectives For Vessels

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing vessels, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

When describing vessels, adjectives bring to life the variety and specificity of each one, from their size to their origin. A small vessel implies a more intimate or delicate utility, while a large vessel suggests grandeur and capacity. The term blood vessel, on the other hand, propels us into the intricacies of the human body, illustrating the critical pathways of life itself. The descriptor American invokes notions of nationality, possibly alluding to the historical and cultural significance of the vessel. These nuances grant depth to our understanding and appreciation of vessels in all their forms. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives associated with vessels and how they color our perceptions below.
smallThe small vessels sailed across the vast ocean.
bloodThe surgeon repaired the damaged blood vessels
largeThere were large vessels everywhere I looked.
americanAmerican vessels were used to transport these goods.
largerThe larger vessels were anchored in the harbor.
smallerThe smaller vessels were used to transport goods and people.
navalThere were three naval vessels spotted off the coast.
britishThe powerful shield of its castle defended the sea from foreign invasions of british vessels
foreignThe foreign vessels were not allowed to enter the port without permission.
lymphaticThe lymphatic vessels are part of the circulatory system and help to drain fluid from tissues.
cerebralThe cerebral vessels are important for supplying oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
armedThe pirates sailed the seas in their heavily armed vessels
majorThe examination of the abdomen revealed no organs or major vessels
coronaryCoronary vessels are blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle.
peripheralMy peripheral vessels are very important for my overall health.
englishThe english vessels stood strong against the storm.
frenchThe French vessels were loaded with wine and cheese.
numerousNumerous vessels were anchored in the harbor.
sacredThe sacred vessels were used for religious ceremonies and were considered holy.
neutralThe neutral vessels were intercepted by the coast guard.
retinalThe retinal vessels were dilated and tortuous.
superficialThe superficial vessels were dilated and tortuous
renalThe lymph node and the renal vessels were stained for CXCR4.
woodenThe wooden vessels sailed across the vast ocean.
spanishSpanish vessels anchored in the bay.
collateralCollateral vessels are blood vessels that form to bypass obstructions in the normal blood vessels.
earthenThe earthen vessels were carefully crafted by the ancient artisans.
largestThe largest vessels that sailed in those days came to Portsmouth.
ceramicThe ancient Greeks were known for their exquisite ceramic vessels
cutaneousThe cutaneous vessels were dilated by a histamine infusion.
commercialThe port is home to a variety of commercial vessels including fishing boats, cargo ships, and tankers.
umbilicalThe umbilical vessels connect the fetus to the placenta.
minuteThe tiny capillaries are minute vessels that permeate the body's tissues.
tinyThe tiny vessels that circulated throughout the plant transported nutrients and water.
walledThe walled vessels were filled with a clear liquid.
superiorThe superior vessels of the brain supply blood to the cerebrum and diencephalon.
closedThe pressure inside closed vessels increases with temperature.
dutchDutch vessels were among the first to explore the New World.
inferiorThe inferior vessels were significantly dilated.
japaneseJapanese vessels dominated the East Asian shipbuilding trade in the late 16th century.
arterialThe arterial vessels are responsible for carrying oxygenated blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.
abnormalThe abnormal vessels were clearly visible on the MRI scan.
dilatedDilated vessels are a common finding in patients with sepsis.
emptyEmpty vessels make the most noise.
lymphImmature lymphocytes and dendritic cells migrate from the tissues to the lymph nodes via lymph vessels
russianThe Russian vessels were anchored in the harbor.
spiralThe spiral vessels in the stem transport water from the roots to the leaves.
tortuousThe tortuous vessels snaked their way through the landscape, creating a labyrinthine network of winding paths.
coastalThe coastal vessels sailed along the coastline.
goldenThe golden vessels were a testament to the wealth and power of the ancient Egyptians.
posteriorThe left ventricular posterior vessels were the first site of visible plaque.
adjacentThe adjacent vessels were connected by a narrow channel.
intracranialThe contrast agent reached the intracranial vessels and tissue and highlighted the tumour.
holyThe priest took the holy vessels from the altar.
cylindricalThe water in the cylindrical vessels began to ripple and rock.
sizedThe containers were sized vessels each holding approximately 100 pounds of material.
gastricThe gastric vessels supply blood to the stomach.
smallestThe smallest vessels are capillaries.
fetalThe fetal vessels are responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the developing fetus.
shapedThe ancient people used shaped vessels to store food and water.
mesentericBlood supply for the bowel comes through the mesenteric vessels
capillaryRed blood cells and white blood cells travel through capillary vessels
portugueseIn 1500, Portuguese vessels led by Pedro Alvares Cabral landed on the coast of modern-day Brazil.

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