Adjectives for Veterans

Adjectives For Veterans

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing veterans, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The use of adjectives with the noun 'veterans' significantly colors the perception and emotional resonance of the term. 'Many veterans face challenges,' highlights the widespread nature of an issue, while 'disabled veterans' draws attention to the profound personal struggles of these individuals. The age of veterans is underscored with 'old veterans,' bringing a sense of historical weight and respect. 'Confederate veterans' and 'American veterans' specify allegiance and nationality, unveiling complex layers of identity and loyalty. The distinction of 'black veterans' emphasizes the unique experiences and contributions of African American soldiers. Each adjective weaves a distinct narrative thread, enhancing our understanding of veterans' diverse backgrounds and experiences. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that unveil the rich tapestry of stories embodied by veterans.
manyMany veterans served honorably.
disabledDisabled veterans are often in need of financial assistance.
oldThe old veterans gathered at the park to share stories of their time in the service.
confederateThe Confederate veterans were honored at the reunion.
americanAmerican veterans have fought bravely for our country.
blackBlack veterans have served in every major conflict in U.S. history.
seasonedThe seasoned veterans guided the young recruits through the treacherous terrain.
militaryMy father, along with many other military veterans served our country with honor and distinction.
fewThe parade was attended by few veterans
mostMost veterans have served their country proudly.
hardenedThe hardened veterans were weary but determined.
youngThe young veterans were proud to have served their country.
olderOlder veterans often have valuable skills and experience to offer.
whiteThe Vietnam Veterans Memorial honors white veterans who died in the Vietnam War.
frenchFrench veterans attended the parade in their honor in Caen.
eligibleEligible veterans are entitled to a variety of benefits from the government.
spanishThe Spanish veterans of the Napoleonic wars were a highly disciplined and experienced force.
experiencedThe experienced veterans were able to guide the young recruits through the difficult terrain.
hardyThe hardy veterans fought bravely against the relentless enemy.
deceasedThe organization provides support to families of deceased veterans
germanIn 1919, the German veterans established the political party known as the German National People's Party.
femaleThe female veterans are a group of strong and courageous women.
scarredThe scarred veterans returned home to a world that had changed without them.
unemployedThe organization provides services for unemployed veterans
grizzledThese grizzled veterans have seen it all.
koreanThe Korean veterans came home to a very different country than they had left.
eraThe era veterans were honored for their service.
elderlyThe elderly veterans were honored for their service.
romanThe proud army of roman veterans stood tall in formation.
trainedThe company hired several trained veterans for security positions.
wornThe worn veterans of the war reminisced about their past battles.
agedThe aged veterans were honored for their service.
indianIndian veterans honored their comrades.
afghanAfghan veterans have been returning home from war for years.
braveThe brave veterans fought bravely for their country.
africanAfrican veterans are a valuable resource for their countries.
japaneseJapanese veterans were honored for their service during a ceremony at the Japanese American National Museum.
fellowThank you for your service, fellow veterans
retiredThe retired veterans gathered at the park to reminisce.
yearSome employees are 15-year veterans of the company.
warWar veterans are brave and courageous individuals who have served their country with honor.
combatThe combat veterans were given a parade to celebrate their return home.
mexicanMexican veterans have served in all of America's wars since the Civil War.
needyNeedy veterans deserve our unwavering support and gratitude.
raggedThe ragged veterans marched proudly in the parade, their uniforms bearing the scars of battle
woundedThe wounded veterans were honored at the ceremony.
injuredInjured veterans are in desperate need of our support.
wearyThe weary veterans returned home to a grateful nation.
numerousNumerous veterans attended the ceremony.
canadianThey are the Canadian veterans who fought for their country.
dischargedThe organization provides support to discharged veterans
southernThe southern veterans were honored for their service.
toughThe tough veterans fought bravely against the overwhelming odds.
vietnamVietnam veterans have faced many challenges since returning home.
disciplinedThese disciplined veterans were a testament to the power of training.
armedI saw the group of armed veterans
polishThe Polish veterans were honored for their bravery and sacrifice.
macedonianThe Macedonian veterans were loyal to Alexander the Great.
blindBlind veterans often face unique challenges in obtaining employment.
blindedI volunteered at an event for blinded veterans last weekend.
italianThe group of Italian veterans gathered to pay tribute to their fallen comrades.
youngerOur organization supports the needs of younger veterans
hairedThe old, gray-haired veterans sat and talked about the past.
handicappedHandicapped veterans deserve our respect.
israeliIsraeli veterans are often a vocal presence in the country's political and social discourse.
bronzedThe bronzed veterans had seen many battles.
atomicThe atomic veterans were honored for their service and sacrifice.
illIll veterans deserve our support and gratitude for their service.
sickThe organization provides support to sick veterans
gallantThe gallant veterans were honored for their service.
bravestWe should never forget the sacrifices made by our bravest veterans
indigentThe group is dedicated to helping indigent veterans
antiwarAntiwar veterans marched on Washington, D.C. last month to protest the war in Iraq.
irishIrish veterans are proud of their service in the military.

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