Adjectives for Vulnerability

Adjectives For Vulnerability

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing vulnerability, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the adjectives paired with 'vulnerability' unveils the multifaceted nature of exposure or susceptibility one may encounter. Discussing one's 'own vulnerability' can denote a personal introspection, while 'greater vulnerability' may suggest comparative risk levels across entities or situations. The use of 'economic vulnerability' highlights financial insecurities, contrasting with 'genetic vulnerability' that focuses on biological predispositions. Addressing 'extreme vulnerability' underscores scenarios of acute susceptibility, whereas 'emotional vulnerability' delves into the psychological aspects of being open to emotional experiences. Each adjective nuances the understanding of vulnerability, revealing its complex application across various contexts. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives to gain deeper insight into the intricate layers of vulnerability.
ownShe acknowledged her own vulnerability and reached out for help.
greaterThe species' specific biology leads to greater vulnerability
economicDue to their economic vulnerability many people are unable to meet their basic needs.
geneticResearch into genetic vulnerability to psychiatric disorders has grown rapidly over the past decade.
extremeHer extreme vulnerability left her open to manipulation and exploitation.
emotionalHer emotional vulnerability made her an easy target for manipulation.
humanHuman vulnerability is inseparable from our strength.
selectiveThe selective vulnerability of children to certain diseases makes them more susceptible to infection.
personalUnderstanding personal vulnerability can help you build resilience and grow as a person.
highThis system has a high vulnerability to cyberattacks.
potentialThe system has potential vulnerability to cyber attacks.
particularThe population of poor people in the area was of particular vulnerability to the disease.
politicalThe political vulnerability of the government led to its collapse.
physicalHer physical vulnerability left her feeling exposed and unsafe.
mutual"If you make it safe to share your fears, dreams, and vulnerabilities with others, you can build a sense of mutual vulnerability and empowerment among a community."
biologicalAn individual's biological vulnerability refers to the potential for developing a disease or disorder due to inherited genetic factors.
psychologicalHer psychological vulnerability was evident in her inability to cope with the slightest criticism.
greatestHer greatest vulnerability was her trust in others.
relativeThe relative vulnerability of the system was assessed to be moderate.
financialSome households have a higher financial vulnerability than others.
sexualMargot Kidder wrote about her sexual vulnerability in The New York Times.
differentialClimate change exacerbates differential vulnerability within communities.
specificThe organization implemented a new security patch to mitigate a specific vulnerability identified in their system.
individualRespecting the individual vulnerability of the students is a teacher's responsibility.
strategicOur strategic vulnerability was exposed when the enemy attacked our undefended flank.
externalThe company's external vulnerability was exacerbated by its lack of cybersecurity measures.
femaleThe female vulnerability in the film was criticized by many viewers.
militaryThe country's military vulnerability was exposed by the recent invasion.
neuronalThe neuronal vulnerability to oxidative stress is a major factor in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases.
apparentHer apparent vulnerability made her an easy target.
maleHe found it challenging to express his male vulnerability
stress"What makes you hungry?" is a typical stress vulnerability question.
underlyingThe underlying vulnerability was waiting to be exploited by a skilled hacker.
lessThis approach enhances security, as it results in less vulnerability
environmentalThe community faces environmental vulnerability due to its proximity to toxic waste disposal sites.
legalThe company faced mounting legal vulnerability due to its alleged negligence.
overallThe overall vulnerability of the system was assessed to be moderate.
futureThe company's future vulnerability was deeply concerning.
heightenedThe heightened vulnerability of the elderly population necessitates tailored healthcare interventions.
consequentManufacturers have been researching potential flaws in their products which could potentially be exploited and result in consequent vulnerability
constitutionalThe country's constitutional vulnerability has been exposed by the recent political crisis.
obviousThe victim's obvious vulnerability made them an easy target for the predator.
uniqueThe unique vulnerability of the island nation made it a prime target for invasion.
acuteAs the accident victims lay in the hospital, their acute vulnerability brought tears to the eyes of the nurses.
maximumHer maximum vulnerability made her an easy target for manipulation.
terribleThe feeling of terrible vulnerability washed over me as I stood there exposed.
seismicThe building's seismic vulnerability was assessed using a variety of methods.
ecologicalThe area's ecological vulnerability has increased due to climate change.
enhancedThe elderly population experiences enhanced vulnerability during natural disasters due to physical impairments and limited access to resources.
continuedDespite the progress made, the community is still facing continued vulnerability to the disease.
termThe term vulnerability is often used to describe the susceptibility of a system or asset to harm.
societalThe COVID-19 pandemic has brought attention to the societal vulnerability of marginalized communities.
intrinsicThe intrinsic vulnerability of the species made it susceptible to extinction.
utterShe stood before him, her utter vulnerability visible in her trembling hands.
sovietThe Soviet vulnerability to Western ideas and influences was a major factor in the collapse of the USSR.
feminineHe took advantage of her feminine vulnerability
regionalRegional vulnerability is a multidimensional concept that encompasses a wide range of factors.
ultimateIn moments of ultimate vulnerability we often find ourselves defenseless against the harsh realities of life.
intenseThe intense vulnerability of the scene left me breathless.
physiologicalThe physiological vulnerability of the species was evident in its susceptibility to disease.
suddenHer sudden vulnerability made her voice tremble.

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