Adjectives for Working

Adjectives For Working

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing working, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Selecting the right adjective to describe working can significantly alter the perception of the effort involved. Using hard emphasizes dedication and intensity, while cold may suggest a lack of passion. Practical and actual work emphasize reality and effectiveness, steering away from theoretical discussions. In contrast, smooth working processes highlight ease and efficiency, and successful underscores achievement and positive outcomes. Each adjective carries its hue of meaning, painting a vivid picture of the work's nature, challenges, and results. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives to describe the nuances of working and how they shape our understanding of labor and achievement below.
hardThe hard working students spent all night studying for their exam.
coldThe screwdriver twisted the screw due to the cold working of the steel
practicalThe project manager had a great amount of practical working experience.
actualThe actual working conditions are not ideal due to the outdated equipment.
smoothThe smooth working of the machine was a marvel to behold.
successfulHe was successful working in the company for over 10 years.
hotHot working has several advantages over cold working.
efficientSara makes her fullest contribution to efficient working
properThe machine is in proper working order.
normalThe normal working hours for employees are from 9am to 5pm.
effectiveEffective working is a key to success.
mechanicalThe mechanical working of the engine was impressive.
presentThe present working of the machine is not correct.
innerIt took me a while to understand the inner workings of the new software.
metalThe metal working industry is constantly evolving.
busyI'm busy working on a project right now.
jointThe joint working of the two teams was very efficient.
internalThe internal working of the machine was a mystery to me.
collaborativeThe collaborative working environment fostered innovation and productivity.
freeThe organization is offering free working space for new businesses.
flexibleFlexible working arrangements allow employees to better manage their work-life balance.
satisfactoryJohn has satisfactory working ability on a project.
wonderThe priest carried out wonder working ceremonies.
ordinaryThe ordinary working day is quite long.
economicalThe economical working of the device has helped me save a lot of energy this month.
ironThe blacksmith was renowned for his iron working skills.
continuousThe continuous working of the machine was interrupted due to power failure.
comfortableThe office provides a comfortable working environment.
safeThe company provided a safe working environment for all employees.
regularI have been working regular working hours for the past five years.
professionalShe is a professional working in the field of technology.
effectualWe were impressed by the effectual working of our new employees.
divineThe divine working of the universe gives me hope and comfort.
automaticThe machine has an automatic working system.
perfectThe machine is in perfect working condition.
slowThe slow working of the system was frustrating the users.
detailedShe was meticulous and thorough in her detailed working
woodThe student enjoyed wood working as a hobby.
hardestThe hardest working person in the office always arrives early and stays late.
profitableThe profitable working relationship has lasted for many years.
secondaryThe secondary working was completed by the team.
subsequentThe subsequent working session will be held on Monday.
mightyThe giant is mighty working in the field.
cooperativeEmployees in a cooperative working environment collaborate effectively towards shared goals.
constantThe constant working took a toll on her health.
expansiveI'm looking for a job that offers expansive working opportunities.
worthThe project is worth working on.
dailyI appreciate your daily working
secretHis secret working was on the brink of revelation.
happyI enjoy happy working when I solve problems that I am very interested in.
correctThe correct working of the machine ensured its reliable performance.
orderlyThe orderly working of the machine was a marvel to behold.
mysteriousShe returned after a mysterious working in Arizona.
undergroundThe underground working caused the collapse of the building.
carefulCareful working is essential for success.
easyThe easy working environment made the job a breeze.
healthyMaintaining a healthy working environment is crucial for employee well-being and productivity.
inwardShe has a natural inward working that makes her a great artist.
steadyThe steady working of his hands with the dough made a satisfying crackle.
multidisciplinaryMultidisciplinary working is increasingly seen as essential in complex projects.
operativeThe operative working of the company was hindered by the lack of resources.
systematicThe systematic working of the assembly line ensured the efficient production of the products.

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