Adjectives for Xml

Adjectives For XML

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing xml, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

In the diverse world of coding, the noun 'xml' becomes a canvas painted with adjectives that highlight its multifaceted nature. From 'formed' xml, which speaks to the structure and coherence, to 'valid' xml, emphasizing correctness and adherence to standards, each adjective presents a unique perspective. 'Raw' xml may suggest a more unprocessed or untouched state, while 'new' highlights recent advancements or updates. 'Standard' xml underscores its compliance with accepted norms, and 'non' introduces the concept of deviation or exception. These adjectives unravel the complex identity of xml, shedding light on its various attributes and uses in technology. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that breathe life into 'xml' and how they redefine its essence in the digital realm below.
formedThe software formed xml into a useful format.
standardThe XML document is written in standard xml
canonicalThe canonical xml is a standard representation of an XML document that is used to ensure that two XML documents are equivalent even if they are not byte-for-byte identical.
originalIt remains fully compatible with the original xml format.
basicThe Basic xml syntax is based on markup languages.
actualThe actual xml structure is given below.
plainThe plain xml is easy to read and understand.
legalThe team used legal xml to write the contract.
wellformedThis is a wellformed xml file.
appropriateThe appropriate xml file was generated and sent to the server.
arbitraryThe arbitrary xml document is poorly formatted.
nativeThe XML parser reads the native xml file and parses it into a representation that can be processed by the program.
untypedThe untyped xml document is invalid.
correctCorrect xml is important for data integrity.
basedBest-based XML editing software updated for modern processors.
electronicWe use electronic xml to exchange data with our partners.
complexThe complex xml document contained structured data.
resultantThe resultant xml file is saved to your local folder.
selectSELECT xml from the table
binaryThis binary xml file contains the layout for the application.
hierarchicalThe hierarchical xml structure allows for easy navigation and organization of data.
externalOur goal is to improve the quality of the external xml
sideHe quickly read the side xml on the page.
generatedThe generated xml was validated against the schema.
dynamicDynamic xml serves as a powerful tool for creating and modifying XML documents during runtime.
staticStatic xml is a data structure that represents documents in a structured manner.
straightPeter bought 20 gallons of straight xml
declareI declare xml as a string.
underlyingThe underlying xml is highlighted with alternating shades of green.
incomingThere are several web service requests with incoming xml
correspondingThis is the corresponding xml
necessaryNecessary xml is essential for achieving structured data.
aboveThe document is above xml
w3cThe W3C xml standard defines the syntax for XML documents.
coreThe core xml file contains the main configuration for the application.
contentThis is content xml tagged in json format.
summaryThis is a summary xml
eventThe event xml provided the necessary information.
preThe pre xml file contains the markup for the document.
relationalRelational xml is a powerful tool for managing data in databases using XML technology.
typedHe carefully typed xml into the editor.
webWeb xml is a useful file in Java-based web development.
messagebodylooked at the messagebody xml to see if I could find anything useful there

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