Adjectives for Yea

Adjectives For Yea

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing yea, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to accompany the noun 'yea' can significantly alter the tone and intention of a sentence. A 'simple yea' might convey straightforward agreement, while an 'everlasting yea' suggests a timeless, unwavering affirmation. Using 'proud' or 'glad' before 'yea' adds a layer of personal emotion or satisfaction, indicating not just agreement, but pleasure or pride in the decision. On the other hand, a 'good yea' implies a moral or beneficial choice, adding an ethical dimension to the nod of approval. Each adjective brings its own nuance, subtly shifting the meaning and impact of the 'yea.' Read on to discover the full array of adjectives that can color your 'yeas' with precise shades of meaning.
manyWe have many yea to think about our future.
everlastingIn the realm of the everlasting yea all paths lead to a profound understanding of the universe.
proudI am proud yeah!
goodThis is a good yea
simpleWe can play simple yea
gladI'm glad yea you can do that for me.
lastI went to the store last year.
sweetI had a sweet yea
ashamedHe was ashamed yea despite brawny he was.
eternalThe eternal yea is a concept that refers to the idea that all things are interconnected and that the universe is fundamentally good.
belovedBeloved yea the verities are sweet unto the soul.
holyHoly yea that was a close call!
muchHe ate much yea and gained weight.
wickedWicked yea I'm so excited for this party!
happyI'm happy yea
dailyI make sure to get my daily yea to keep my body balanced.
chorusThe chorus yea of the song filled the room.
deadShe was dead yea ago.
fairI did fair yea at the last exam.
gloriousFor this weekend, the glorious yea is going to be filled with activities.
trueI hereby do solemnly affirm that the foregoing information is true yea and correct.
plainThe answer is plain yea
wombWomb yea a frigid portal whose icy depths doth haunt my soul.
recentThe recent years have seen remarkable advancements in artificial intelligence.
possiblePossible yea but I'm not sure.
pastI remember the past year as if it was yesterday.
wiseThe wise yea knew that the time had come to make a hard decision.
aliveShe was alive yea she was.
ungodly"ungodly yea" is an ungrammatical phrase. It should be "ungodly yes".
classicWhat a classic yea from the crowd!
contentContent yea and thoughts illustrious take their rise.
loudThe crowd cheered with a loud yea
blessedBlessed yea are we.
falstaffFalstaff yea for there he promised to meet me at the tavern in Eastcheap.
utterI utter yea I will cherish this moment forever.
lessWith less yea we can accomplish more.
omniscientWho would believe, in this omniscient yea that there are people who still want to live in ignorance?
mereMere yea these thoughts are not the words of the mind, but are the reflections of the soul.
blindBlind yeah, I can't see you.
afraidShe was afraid yea he would be mad.
righteousWith righteous yea the jury cast their verdict.
willingSadly, my willing yea has been met with an unwilling nay.
fiscalOur fiscal year ends on June 30th.
guiltyThe jury returned a guilty yea verdict.
difficultIt's difficult yea but I'll manage.
charmingThe charming yea the sweet voice, enchants me.
definiteThe answer is a definite yea
forgottenMy mind's an attic filled with forgotten yea
liveI want to live yea
affirmativeMr. Jones responded with an affirmative yea
everymanEveryman yea said he would gladly do it.
graveWith grave yea we swore to uphold our vows.
vainHe lived a vain yea but died a noble nay.
unqualifiedThe unqualified yea of the crowd was deafening.
unprofitableHe spent unprofitable years amongst a community of monks.

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